Java hamcrest-all v1.3 兼容什么版本?

What version of Java hamcrest-all v1.3 compatible with?

我找不到关于这个问题的任何信息: Java hamcrest-all v1.3 兼容什么版本?

Hamcrest 1.3 的源代码中,文件 BUILDING.txt 包含以下语句:

--[ Build requirements ]-------------------------------------

* JDK 1.5
  Note: that this is a buildtime dependency for 1.5 specific
  features. However the final built jars should run on 1.4
  and 1.3 JVMs with some features unavailable.

Ant build.xml ...

中的 javac 命令进一步支持了这一点
<javac srcdir="@{srcdir}" destdir="build/temp/@{modulename}-${version}.jar.contents" 
    debug="${debug}" target="1.5" includeantruntime="false">

因此,看起来 Hamcrest 1.3 与 Java 1.5 兼容,但根据作者的说法...

it should run on 1.4 and 1.3 JVMs with some features unavailable

相比之下,Hamcrest 2.x 假定 Java 1.7,来自 build.gradle:

import static org.gradle.api.JavaVersion.VERSION_1_7

sourceCompatibility = VERSION_1_7
targetCompatibility = VERSION_1_7