正在将 JSON 数组解析为标签

Parsing JSON array to label

我正在尝试解析下面的 JSON(实际数据是所列格式的 20 倍)

message = "";
result =     (
        Ask = "4.8e-05";
        BaseVolume = "32.61025363";
        Bid = "4.695e-05";
        Created = "2017-06-06T01:22:35.727";
        High = "5.44e-05";
        Last = "4.69e-05";
        Low = "4.683e-05";
        MarketName = "BTC-1ST";
        OpenBuyOrders = 293;
        OpenSellOrders = 4186;
        PrevDay = "4.76e-05";
        TimeStamp = "2018-02-20T00:00:31.863";
        Volume = "662575.93818332";

这是我现在拥有的代码。它成功地将值 "Last" 打印到控制台,但是当我合并 Dispatch.Queue 时,我得到一个 Thread 1: signal SIGBRT 没有将值打印到标签。

let myJson = try JSONSerialization.jsonObject(with: content) as! [String:Any]

if let info = myJson["result"] as! [[String:Any]]?
    for i in 0..<20 {
        if i == 1
            if let dict = info[i] as? [String:Any]
                if let price = dict["Last"]
                    //   self.label1.text =  price as String


JSON 不使用 = 符号或分号。将每个 = 更改为冒号,将每个分号更改为逗号,以便

    Ask = "4.8e-05";
    BaseVolume = "32.61025363";
    Bid = "4.695e-05";


    Ask: "4.8e-05",
    BaseVolume: "32.61025363",
    Bid: "4.695e-05",

很可能您的 self.label1 插座未连接。修复该连接。

您还应该更新获取 "Last" 键值的 if let,如下所示:

if let price = dict["Last"] as? String{
    DispatchQueue.main.async {
       self.label1.text =  price


if let myJson = try JSONSerialization.jsonObject(with: content) as? [String:Any] {
    if let info = myJson["result"] as? [[String:Any]] {
        for (index, dict) in info.enumerated() {
            if index == 1 {
                if let price = dict["Last"] as? String {
                    DispatchQueue.main.async {
                       self.label1.text =  price
                } // else no "Last" or not a String
    } // else "result" doesn't contain expected array of dictionary        
} // else content isn't a valid JSON dictionary
