Apache Ant 上并行的线程安全数学运算

Thread safe math operations in Parallel on Apache Ant



<target name="parallelOperations">
    <var name="port.number" value="9006"/>
    <for list="a,b,c,d,e" param="letter" parallel="true">
            <echo>Letter @{letter}</echo>
            <math result="port.number" operand1="${port.number}" operation="+" operand2="1" datatype="int"/>


 [echo] Letter c
 [echo] Letter b
 [echo] Letter a
 [echo] Letter d
 [echo] Letter e
 [echo] 9007
 [echo] 9007
 [echo] 9007
 [echo] 9007
 [echo] 9007


有没有办法用 Ant 实现线程安全?我尝试做的是每个并行运行的子任务,获得一个唯一的端口号。如果有其他办法,应该也是不错的解决方法。

这是来自documentation of parallel:

The primary use case for <parallel> is to run external programs such as an application server, and the JUnit or TestNG test suites at the same time. Anyone trying to run large Ant task sequences in parallel, such as javadoc and javac at the same time, is implicitly taking on the task of identifying and fixing all concurrency bugs the tasks that they run.


  1. 或者使用waitfor任务让每个线程等待某个条件为真(例如设置了属性)

  2. 实现自己的同步任务。 This link 描述了一种编写任务的方法,该任务可以获取 id 并对其进行锁定。




<target name="ParallelOperations">
<var name="port.number" value="9006"/>
<for list="a,b,c,d" param="letter" parallel="true">
        <echo>Letter @{letter}</echo>
        <!-- Synchronize the port number -->
        <synchronized id="port.number.lock">
            <echo>@{letter} new port ${port.number}</echo>
            <var name="@{letter}.port.number" value="${port.number}" />
            <math result="port.number" operand1="${port.number}" operation="+" operand2="1" datatype="int"/>
        <echo>@{letter} ${@{letter}.port.number}</echo>
        <echo>@{letter} ${@{letter}.port.number}</echo>
        <echo>@{letter} ${@{letter}.port.number}</echo>
        <echo>@{letter} ${@{letter}.port.number}</echo>
        <echo>@{letter} ${@{letter}.port.number}</echo>
        <echo>@{letter} ${@{letter}.port.number}</echo>
        <echo>@{letter} ${@{letter}.port.number}</echo>
        <echo>@{letter} ${@{letter}.port.number}</echo>


     [echo] Letter d
     [echo] Letter a
     [echo] Letter c
     [echo] Letter b
     [echo] c new port 9006
     [echo] c 9006
     [echo] b new port 9007
     [echo] c 9006
     [echo] c 9006
     [echo] b 9007
     [echo] c 9006
     [echo] a new port 9008
     [echo] b 9007
     [echo] c 9006
     [echo] b 9007
     [echo] c 9006
     [echo] a 9008
     [echo] d new port 9009
     [echo] c 9006
     [echo] b 9007
     [echo] a 9008
     [echo] d 9009
     [echo] b 9007
     [echo] a 9008
     [echo] d 9009
     [echo] c 9006
     [echo] a 9008
     [echo] b 9007
     [echo] d 9009
     [echo] a 9008
     [echo] b 9007
     [echo] d 9009
     [echo] a 9008
     [echo] b 9007
     [echo] d 9009
     [echo] a 9008
     [echo] d 9009
     [echo] a 9008
     [echo] d 9009
     [echo] d 9009

根据@manouti 的回答,我从 Stefan Fanke 那里选择了同步命令,我使用每个字母创建一个特定变量来存储端口号。
