Lagom:"access_token" Header 参数没有值

Lagom: No value Present for "access_token" Header param

当我尝试在 Lagom HTTP RestCall 的 Header 中发送 "access_token" 参数时遇到问题:

public HeaderServiceCall<NotUsed, GetUserInfoWrapperResponse> getUserInfo() {
    return (request, requestBody) -> {
        UUID userId;
        try {
            userId = UUID.fromString(request.getHeader("access_token").get());
            System.out.println("user id = " + userId);
            return userEntityRef(userId).ask(new GetUserInfoCommand()).thenApply(reply -> Pair.create(ResponseHeader.OK, reply.userInfo.get()));
        } catch (Exception e) {
            throw new NotFound("User with access_token ");

我总是得到 NotFoundException,因为 "access_token" 不在 header.

但是,当我将 "access_token" 更改为 "access-token" 时,它起作用了。

当我做一些研究时,我明白我需要对我的 application.conf:

播放 CrosFilter
play.http.filters = "com.test.user.impl.AccessFilter"
play.filters.cors {
      // review the values of all these settings to fulfill your needs. These values are not meant for production.
      pathPrefixes = ["/cms"]
      allowedOrigins = null
      allowedHttpMethods = null
      allowedHttpHeaders = ["Origin", "X-Requested-With", "Content-Type", "Accept", "Referer", "User-Agent", "access_token", "cache-control"]
      # The exposed headers
      exposedHeaders = ["Origin", "X-Requested-With", "Content-Type", "Accept", "Referer", "User-Agent", "access_token", "cache-control"]
      supportsCredentials = false
      preflightMaxAge = 6 hour

但即便如此,"access_token" header 参数始终不存在。


这是因为您在名称中使用了下划线;它不被禁止但并不常见,一些服务器如 Nginx 会删除它们,除非 you explicitly define them in its config file.
