cSplit_e 没有返回二进制数据帧

cSplit_e not returning a binary data frame

我有一个包含 Genre 列的数据框,其中包含像 Action,Romance 这样的行。我想拆分这些值并创建一个二进制向量。如果 Action,Romance,Drama 是所有可能的类型,那么上述行在输出数据框中将是 1,1,0

我发现 this and this SO posts, and this CRAN doc 覆盖了 cSplit_e,但是当我使用它时,我没有得到二进制数据帧输出,我得到的是带有一些乱序值的原始数据帧。

a = cSplit_e(df4, "Genre", sep = ",", mode = "binary", type = "character", drop=TRUE, fixed=TRUE,fill = 0)


> names(a)
 [1] "Title"             "Year"              "Rated"             "Released"          "Runtime"           "Genre"             "Director"          "Writer"            "Actors"           
[10] "Plot"              "Language"          "Country"           "Awards"            "Poster"            "Metascore"         "imdbRating"        "imdbVotes"         "imdbID"           
[19] "Type"              "tomatoMeter"       "tomatoImage"       "tomatoRating"      "tomatoReviews"     "tomatoFresh"       "tomatoRotten"      "tomatoConsensus"   "tomatoUserMeter"  
[28] "tomatoUserRating"  "tomatoUserReviews" "tomatoURL"         "DVD"               "BoxOffice"         "Production"        "Website"           "Response"          "Budget"           
[37] "Domestic_Gross"    "Gross"             "Date"              "Genre_Action"      "Genre_Adult"       "Genre_Adventure"   "Genre_Animation"   "Genre_Biography"   "Genre_Comedy"     
[46] "Genre_Crime"       "Genre_Documentary" "Genre_Drama"       "Genre_Family"      "Genre_Fantasy"     "Genre_Film-Noir"   "Genre_Game-Show"   "Genre_History"     "Genre_Horror"     
[55] "Genre_Music"       "Genre_Musical"     "Genre_Mystery"     "Genre_N/A"         "Genre_News"        "Genre_Reality-TV"  "Genre_Romance"     "Genre_Sci-Fi"      "Genre_Short"      
[64] "Genre_Sport"       "Genre_Talk-Show"   "Genre_Thriller"    "Genre_War"         "Genre_Western"    

drop 参数仅适用于被拆分的列,而不适用于 data.frame 中的所有其他列。因此,要随后仅提取拆分列,请使用原始列名称并仅提取那些列。


> a <- cSplit_e(df4, "Genre", ",", mode = "binary", type = "character", fill = 0, drop = TRUE)
> a
  id Genre_Action Genre_Drama Genre_Romance
1  1            1           0             1
2  2            1           1             1
> a[startsWith(names(a), "Genre")]
  Genre_Action Genre_Drama Genre_Romance
1            1           0             1
2            1           1             1


df4 <- structure(list(Genre = c("Action,Romance", "Action,Romance,Drama"), id = 1:2), 
  .Names = c("Genre", "id"), row.names = 1:2, class = "data.frame")