迭代对象反序列化 JSON

Iterate Object Deserialized JSON

我不知道如何遍历对象来检索 JSON 字符串中发送的错误列表。我在 JSON 中的每个密钥对值处都有一个 For Each 循环,但第三个密钥对是密钥对的对象。我无法使用相同的 For Each 结构访问它们(如果我循环遍历对象但希望尽可能保持一致,我可以访问它们。我的 'Case Is "Errors" case 语句是我想要迭代错误的地方对象,但我不确定如何获取它。这是我的代码。我希望有人能提供帮助。


{"success":"true","api_reference":3821,"errors":[{"record":"landlord","record_id":"-16::1::LPMB40-2385DDDC","error":"Please ensure the email field has been completed","error_code":"33101"},{"record":"landlord","record_id":"-16::1::LPMB40-2385DDDC","error":"Please ensure the email field is a valid email address","error_code":"33102"}]}

                Dim jss = New JavaScriptSerializer()
            Dim data = jss.Deserialize(Of Object)(responseFromServer)
            Dim strSuccess = "", strAPIReference = ""
            Dim intExpiresIn = 0
            Dim ErrorsObject As Object

            For Each kvp As KeyValuePair(Of String, Object) In data

                Select Case kvp.Key

                    Case Is = "success"

                        strSuccess = kvp.Value

                    Case Is = "api_reference"

                        strAPIReference = kvp.Value

                    Case Is = "errors"

                        ErrorsObject = kvp.Value

                        For Each errorskvp As KeyValuePair(Of String, Object) In ErrorsObject


                End Select


我建议执行此强类型操作,以便您可以将 json 反序列化为真实对象并使用对象属性。这样就更容易读取值和循环错误等:


Public Class JsonResponse
    Public Property Success As Boolean
    Public Property Api_reference As String

    Public Property Errors As IEnumerable(Of JsonError)
End Class

Public Class JsonError
    Public Property Record As String
    Public Property Record_Id As String
    Public Property [Error] As String
    Public Property Error_Code As String
End Class


Dim j As New JavaScriptSerializer()

Dim data As JsonResponse = j.Deserialize(Of JsonResponse)(responseFromServer)

If Not data.Success Then
    For Each myError As JsonError In data.Errors

End If