如何使 minimongo.js 在浏览器中工作?

How to make minimongo.js works in browser?

github presentation of minimongo表示为

Client-side mongo database with server sync over http

还有一个 minimongo-standalone 提供了一个 minimongo.min.js 声明:

You could also just download the minimongo.min.js, place it on your server, and reference it in your source.

For browsers

<script src="/js/minimongo.min.js"></script>

我以前使用过 d3.js,它的打包方式使 .js 文件既可以在网络浏览器中作为 lib 工作,也可以在节点上作为 npm 包工作。

所以我尝试在本地使用我新下载的 minimongo.js 在 Chrome 中使用 indexeddb 构建一个经典网页,就像我对 D3.js 所做的那样。它给出了类似的东西 (jsfiddle) :

<!DOCTYPE html>

<html lang="en">
    <meta charset="utf-8">
    <script src="https://rawgit.com/rurri/minimongo-standalone/master/minimongo.min.js"></script>
    <!-- https://github.com/rurri/minimongo-standalone/blob/master/minimongo.min.js -->
    // Require minimongo
    var minimongo = require("minimongo");
    var LocalDb = minimongo.MemoryDb;
    // Create local db (in memory database with no backing)
    db = new LocalDb();
    // Add a collection to the database
    doc = { species: "dog", name: "Bingo" };
    // Always use upsert for both inserts and modifies
    db.animals.upsert(doc, function() {
      // Query dog (with no query options beyond a selector)
        species: "dog"
      }, {}, function(res) {
        console.log("Dog's name is: " + res.name);


它 returns 错误 :

Uncaught ReferenceError: _ is not defined
    at minimongo.min.js:1
    at minimongo.min.js:3
Uncaught ReferenceError: require is not defined
    at (index):5911
Uncaught ReferenceError: _ is not defined
    at (index):91
    at window.onload ((index):5889)

我错过了什么或误解了什么? 如果可能,如何让它工作?



如果你阅读 minimongo-standaloneREADME.MD,它说


underscore, async

因此您需要在页面上的 minimongo 脚本标记之前包含这两个库。

  <script src="https://link/to/underscore.js"></script>
  <script src="https://link/to/async.js"></script>
  <script src="https://rawgit.com/rurri/minimongo-standalone/master/minimongo.min.js"></script>

值得一提的是,您需要获取这些库的浏览器版本。 async 似乎没有使用通用模块定义 (UMD),因此为不同的目标提供了单独的文件。


函数 require 不存在,除非您使用 browserify 或其他 commonJS 模块加载框架。

我没有检查 asyncunderscore,但如果模块系统不存在,大多数库将回退到浏览器中的普通全局变量。

包含三个脚本标签后,您应该能够全局访问 minimongo-standalone 的导出符号

3。 minimongo-standaloneminimongo

有很大的不同 API

令人沮丧的一点; minimongo-standalone 围绕 minimongo 实施 Meteor 包装器,然后再次重命名它们。 这意味着任何 minimongoMeteor 代码都不能直接转移。

优点是 API 简单得多。您的示例的等效代码为

// Create collection
var animals = new LocalCollection('animals');
// Insert/update a document

var doc = { species: "dog", name: "Bingo" };
animals.upsert('dog', doc);

// Fetch document and log
var myDog = animals.findOne({ species: "dog" });
console.log("Dog's name is: " + myDog.name);

@Fred_Stark :我们鼓励您将此整合到您的答案中。

短:有效但超重(800kb!)。 https://jsfiddle.net/7fehe9ey/9/。使用其他东西!


/* **************************************************************** */
/* THIS WILL GO TO BUNDLE ***************************************** */
// Require minimongo
var minimongo = require('minimongo');
var LocalDb = minimongo.MemoryDb;
// Create local db (in memory database with no backing)
db = new LocalDb();

/* **************************************************************** */
/* THIS WILL GO TO INDEX.HTML ************************************* */
// Add a collection to the database
doc = { species: "dog", name: "Bingo" };
// Always use upsert for both inserts and modifies
db.animals.upsert(doc, function() {
  // Query dog (with no query options beyond a selector)
    species: "dog"
  }, {}, function(res) {
    console.log("Dog's name is: " + res.name);


npm install minimongo underscore async
npm install -g browserify
echo "var minimongo=require('minimongo');var LocalDb=minimongo.MemoryDb;db=new LocalDb();" > ./app.js
browserify ./app.js -o ./bundle.js

它会产生一个 800Kb ./bundle.js 文件,它在 jsfiddle jsfiddle 中用作黑盒。net/7fehe9ey/8


<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
    <meta charset="utf-8">
    <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1">
    <!-- ======================================================= -->
    <!-- ======================================================= -->
    <script src="./js/bundle.js"></script><!--================== -->
    <!-- ======================================================= -->
    <!-- ======================================================= -->
    // Require minimongo
    // var minimongo = require('minimongo');
    // var LocalDb = minimongo.MemoryDb;
    // Create local db (in memory database with no backing)
    // db = new LocalDb();
    // Add a collection to the database
    doc = { species: "Cat", name: "Cingo" };
    // Always use upsert for both inserts and modifies
    db.animals.upsert(doc, function() {
      // Query dog (with no query options beyond a selector)
        species: "Cat"
      }, {}, function(res) {
        console.log("Cat's name is: " + res.name);




Cat's name is: Cingo