避免在 Spring Boot 应用程序中向 Sentry 报告 Broken Pipe 错误

Avoid reporting Broken Pipe errors to Sentry in a Spring Boot application

我有一个 Spring 启动应用程序,它使用 Sentry 进行异常跟踪,但我收到一些如下所示的错误:

ClientAbortExceptionorg.apache.catalina.connector.OutputBuffer in realWriteBytes
errorjava.io.IOException: Broken pipe

我的理解是这只是一个网络错误,因此我通常应该忽略它们。我想做的是报告所有其他 IOExceptions 并将损坏的管道记录到 Librato,这样我就可以关注我得到了多少(尖峰可能意味着客户端有问题,这也是由开发的我在 Java):


public class RestExceptionHandler {
    public ResponseEntity<?> handleClientAbortException(ClientAbortException ex, HttpServletRequest request) {
        Throwable rootCause = ex;
        while (ex.getCause() != null) {
            rootCause = ex.getCause();
        if (rootCause.getMessage().contains("Broken pipe")) {
        } else {
        return null;


我按照文档这样配置了 Sentry:

public class FactoryBeanAppConfig {
    public HandlerExceptionResolver sentryExceptionResolver() {
        return new SentryExceptionResolver();

    public ServletContextInitializer sentryServletContextInitializer() {
        return new SentryServletContextInitializer();

如果你看 class SentryExceptionResolver

public class SentryExceptionResolver implements HandlerExceptionResolver, Ordered {
    public ModelAndView resolveException(HttpServletRequest request,
                                         HttpServletResponse response,
                                         Object handler,
                                         Exception ex) {


        // null = run other HandlerExceptionResolvers to actually handle the exception
        return null;

    public int getOrder() {
        // ensure this resolver runs first so that all exceptions are reported
        return Integer.MIN_VALUE;

通过在 getOrder 中返回 Integer.MIN_VALUE,它确保它首先被调用。即使您已将 Priority 设置为 1,它也不会起作用。所以你想改变你的

public class FactoryBeanAppConfig {
    public HandlerExceptionResolver sentryExceptionResolver() {
        return new SentryExceptionResolver();

    public ServletContextInitializer sentryServletContextInitializer() {
        return new SentryServletContextInitializer();

public class FactoryBeanAppConfig {
    public HandlerExceptionResolver sentryExceptionResolver() {
        return new SentryExceptionResolver() {
                public int getOrder() {
                    // ensure we can get some resolver earlier than this
                    return 10;

    public ServletContextInitializer sentryServletContextInitializer() {
        return new SentryServletContextInitializer();

这将确保您可以让您的处理程序更早 运行。在您的代码中,获取 rootCause 的循环不正确

while (ex.getCause() != null) {
    rootCause = ex.getCause();

这是一个无限循环,因为您使用了 ex 而不是 rootCause。即使你更正它,它仍然会变成一个无限循环。当异常导致 returns 本身时,它将被卡住。我还没有彻底测试过它,但我相信它应该像下面这样

while (rootCause.getCause() != null && rootCause.getCause() != rootCause) {
    rootCause = rootCause.getCause();

这是解决您的问题的一种方法。但是您需要自己将异常发送给 Sentry。所以还有另一种方法可以满足您的要求

方式 2


public class FactoryBeanAppConfig {
    public HandlerExceptionResolver sentryExceptionResolver() {
        return new SentryExceptionResolver() {
            public ModelAndView resolveException(HttpServletRequest request,
                    HttpServletResponse response,
                    Object handler,
                    Exception ex) {
                Throwable rootCause = ex;

                while (rootCause .getCause() != null && rootCause.getCause() != rootCause) {
                    rootCause = rootCause.getCause();

                if (!rootCause.getMessage().contains("Broken pipe")) {
                    super.resolveException(request, response, handler, ex);
                return null;


    public ServletContextInitializer sentryServletContextInitializer() {
        return new SentryServletContextInitializer();