我使用 scaper 脚本并使用来自医疗站点的信息对其进行改造,但它似乎没有创建我要创建的 csv 文件

I use scaper script and retrofit it with info from a medical site but it doesn't seem to create the csv file I'm looking to create

我已经将我找到的这个脚本用于收集网页上列出的所有牙医姓名的抓取工具。当我 运行 它时,没有使用我正在查看的聚合数据创建新的 csv 文件 for.Here 的脚本:

from bs4 import BeautifulSoup as bs
import requests as rq
import csv

url = "https://www.healthgrades.com/usearch?what=Dentistry&where=Canal%20Street%2C%20NY%2010013&city=Canal%20Street&state=NY&pt=40.720901%2C%20-74.008904&zip=10013&neCorner=40.739420717131885%2C-73.98771539161403&swCorner=40.70233998462754%2C-74.03007248950355&mapCenter=40.720901%2C-74.008904&zoomLevel=14.6&mapChanged=false&pageNum=2"
GeT = rq.get(url)
soup = bs(GeT.content, "html.parser")

data_1 = soup.find_all ('div',{'class':'card-content__details'})

doctors_list = []

for item in data_1:
        first = item.contents[2].find_all('div',{'class':'details'})[1].text
        first = ''


    with open('newfile.csv','w') as file:
        writer = csv.writer(file)
        for row in doctors_list:

示例 JSON 响应:https://bpaste.net/show/fcb53d9bc16f

>>> import requests
... BASE_URL = 'https://www.healthgrades.com/api3/usearch'
... params = {
...     'userLocalTime':'22:37',
...     'what':'Dentistry',
...     'where':'Canal Street, NY 10013',
...     'pt':'40.720901, -74.008904',
...     'sort.provider':'bestmatch',
...     'category':'provider',
...     'sessionId':'Sb93293f932c6bc56',
...     'requestId':'Rac7ffe6e6256eba3',
...     'pageSize.provider':'20',
...     'pageNum':'2',
...     'isFirstRequest':'true',
...     'debug':'false',
...     'isAtlas':'true',
...     'action':'refresh',
...     'neCorner':'40.744526282819244,-73.99060337556104',
...     'swCorner':'40.69723118200452,-74.02724113269275'
... }
... r = requests.get(BASE_URL, params=params)
... r.raise_for_status()
>>> dentists = r.json()['search']['searchResults']['provider']['results']
>>> for dentist in dentists:
...     print(dentist['displayName'])
Dr. Raphael Santore, DDS
Dr. Gain Lu, DDS
Dr. Molly Lim, DDS
Dr. Anne Yu, DDS
Dr. Charmaine Ip, DMD
Dr. Devi Konar, DDS
Dr. Christopher Perez, DMD
Dr. Lee Gold, DDS
Dr. Elaine Wong, DDS
Dr. Fan Mou, DDS
Dr. Henry Wong, DDS
Dr. Shauna Fung, DDS
Dr. Emilie Fong, DDS
Dr. Nancy Ma, DDS
Dr. Charles Tiu, DDS
Dr. Glenn Chiarello, DDS
Dr. John Nosti, DMD
Dr. Loi Chan, DDS
Dr. Charles Hashim, DDS
Dr. David Azar, DDS
Dr. Jenny Zhu, DDS
Dr. Stanton Young, DMD
Dr. Pankaj Singh, DDS
Dr. Lawrence Tam, DDS
Dr. Alina Lukashevsky, DDS
Dr. Maureen Khoo, DDS
Dr. Mailin Lai, DDS
Dr. Stewart Neidle, DDS
Danielle Danzi, DDM
Dr. Justin Cohen, DMD
Dr. Weihsin Men, DMD
Dr. Anthony Kail, DDS
Sima Epstein
Dr. Christian Bilius, DDS
Dr. Jeffrey Shapiro, DDS
Dr. Donald Ingerman, DDS

>>> featured_dentists = r.json()['featuredProviders']
>>> for dentist in featured_dentists:
...     print(dentist['displayName'])
Dr. Ora Canter, DDS
Dr. Alfred Shirzadnia, DDS
Dr. Henry Nogid, DDS