您如何在 Applescript 中正确使用 "write"?

How do you properly use "write" in Applescript?

我无法弄清楚如何在 applescript 中正确使用 "write"。我目前有这样的代码:

set randomArray to {"hello", "text", "file"}
set saveFile to (path to desktop as text) & "RandomFile.txt"

write randomArray to saveFile starting at eof as list

我知道这是不对的,但我似乎无法弄清楚应该把 "saveFile" 放在什么地方。


可以在代码片段中找到写入文件的一个很好的示例 (CTRL-单击进入脚本以查看它们) Error HandlersWrite Error to Log.

要保存一个 array/list 你可以使用这样的东西:

set randomArray to {"hello", "text", "file"}
set fullText to ""

repeat with i from 1 to number of items in randomArray
    set thisItem to item i of randomArray

    set fullText to fullText & thisItem
    if i is not number of items in randomArray then set fullText to fullText & return

end repeat

my scriptLog(fullText)

on scriptLog(thisText)
    set the logFilePath to ((path to desktop) as text) & "Script Log.txt"
        open for access file the logFilePath with write permission
        write (thisText & return) to file the logFilePath starting at eof
        close access file the logFilePath
    on error
            close access file the logFilePath
        end try
    end try
end scriptLog

如零所述,您需要在写入文件之前打开文件。写入后,您必须关闭访问权限。顺便说一句,一次调用读取处理程序就可以读取整个文件。 你问题的另一点是你想写一个列表。这当然是可能的,但您也需要阅读列表中的内容。将所有内容放在一起并从零的答案中提取要点,我们得到:

set randomArray to {"hello", "text", "file"}
set saveFile to (path to desktop as text) & "RandomFile.txt"

-- write the file
set theFilehandle to open for access file saveFile with write permission
write (randomArray) to theFilehandle starting at eof as list
close access theFilehandle

-- read the file
read file saveFile as list
