什么是 "Something { key: value, SomethingElse { key: value, ...}}" 结构?

What is a "Something { key: value, SomethingElse { key: value, ...}}" structure?

我正在尝试建立一个博客,其中包含 Hexo, using Pug as the templating engine. I do not understand 如何访问全局变量(在 Hexo 中定义)并最终添加了一些 JavaScript 来调试输出。

在 Hexo 中,site 变量保存有关正在使用的站点的信息。这是一个 JavaScript 强大的静态博客生成器,可以在处理过程中注入 JS。我希望在处理模板时在控制台上输出 site 变量(_ 是 Lodash 的全局变量):

_.forEach(site, function (po) {
        console.log('post info', po)

我得到的输出是(我分解了 post info 块):

post info Query {
   [ Document {
       title: 'first article',
       layout: 'mypost',
       _content: '\nThis is the first article',
       source: '_posts/first.md',
       raw: '---\ntitle: first article\ntags: tech\nlayout: mypost\n---\n\nThis is the first article',
       slug: 'first',
       published: true,
       date: moment("2018-02-20T20:57:27.120"),
       updated: moment("2018-02-22T09:19:24.597"),
       comments: true,
       photos: [],
       link: '',
       _id: 'cjdy8m62w00005ondnc5md94c',
       content: '<p>This is the first article</p>\n',
       site: [Object],
       excerpt: '',
       more: '<p>This is the first article</p>\n',
       path: [Getter],
       permalink: [Getter],
       full_source: [Getter],
       asset_dir: [Getter],
       tags: [Getter],
       categories: [Getter],
       prev: [Object],
       __post: true,
       lang: null,
       canonical_path: '2018/02/20/first/index.html' },
     Document {
       title: 'Hello World 2',
       _content: '\nSecond article comes here',
       source: '_posts/second.md',
       raw: '---\ntitle: Hello World 2\ntags: tech\n---\n\nSecond article comes here',
       slug: 'second',
       published: true,
       date: moment("2018-02-20T23:05:52.156"),
       updated: moment("2018-02-22T09:19:48.205"),
       comments: true,
       layout: 'post',
       photos: [],
       link: '',
       _id: 'cjdy8m63300015ond87428rhr',
       content: '<p>Second article comes here</p>\n',
       site: [Object],
       excerpt: '',
       more: '<p>Second article comes here</p>\n',
       path: [Getter],
       permalink: [Getter],
       full_source: [Getter],
       asset_dir: [Getter],
       tags: [Getter],
       categories: [Getter],
       next: [Object],
       __post: true,
       lang: null,
       canonical_path: '2018/02/20/second/index.html' } ],
  length: 2 }

post info Query { data: [], length: 0 }

post info Model {
  domain: null,
  _events: {},
  _eventsCount: 0,
  _maxListeners: undefined,
  name: 'Category',
  data: {},
  _mutex: Mutex { _locked: false, _queue: [] },
   Schema {
      { name: [Object],
        parent: [Object],
        slug: [Object],
        path: [Object],
        permalink: [Object],
        posts: [Object],
        length: [Object],
        _id: [Object] },
     statics: {},
     methods: {},
     hooks: { pre: [Object], post: [Object] },
      { getter: [Array],
        setter: [Array],
        import: [Array],
        export: [Array] } },
  length: 0,
  Document: { [Function] super_: [Function: Document] },
  Query: { [Function] super_: [Function: Query] } }

post info Model {
  domain: null,
  _events: {},
  _eventsCount: 0,
  _maxListeners: undefined,
  name: 'Tag',
   { cjdy8m63600025ondq69zill9: { name: 'tech', _id: 'cjdy8m63600025ondq69zill9' } },
  _mutex: Mutex { _locked: false, _queue: [] },
   Schema {
      { name: [Object],
        slug: [Object],
        path: [Object],
        permalink: [Object],
        posts: [Object],
        length: [Object],
        _id: [Object] },
     statics: {},
     methods: {},
     hooks: { pre: [Object], post: [Object] },
      { getter: [Array],
        setter: [Array],
        import: [Array],
        export: [Array] } },
  length: 1,
  Document: { [Function] super_: [Function: Document] },
  Query: { [Function] super_: [Function: Query] } }

post info {}

我不知道 QueryModelSchemaDocument 是什么,以及如何访问其中的数据。


 Schema {
    { name: [Object],

我不明白(特别是 Schema { 部分)。


这些实体是Javascript classes
当一个 class 实例被记录到浏览器控制台时,它的 class 名称被保留,这就是为什么好的命名通常对调试非常有用的部分原因。请参阅以下示例:

class Foo {
  // Define methods and properties
const instance = new Foo();
// Will log `{}` in the snippet console, but `Foo {}` in the browser console.