c++ sdl 根据鼠标位置绘制动态矩形

c++ sdl draw dynamic rect based on mouse position


我尝试制作一个矩形,就像您在 RTS 游戏中那样,可以说是一个动态 select 框,但它无法正常工作。 如果有人列出创建这样一个盒子的每个步骤的要点就足够了

(不要奇怪我真的是 c++ 的新手)

Mouse.h :

#ifndef MOUSE_H_
#define MOUSE_H_

class Mouse {

    bool leftButtonDown = false;
    bool mouseMoves = false;

    struct MouseCoords {
        int x = -1;
        int y = -1;

    MouseCoords start_coords;
    MouseCoords move_coords;

    void setState(Uint32 eventType, SDL_Event event){

        if ( eventType == SDL_MOUSEBUTTONDOWN) {
            this->leftButtonDown = true;
            SDL_GetMouseState( &this->start_coords.x, &this->start_coords.y );

        if ( eventType == SDL_MOUSEBUTTONUP ) {
            this->leftButtonDown = false;

        if ( eventType == SDL_MOUSEMOTION ) {
            this->mouseMoves = true;
            this->move_coords.x = event.motion.x;
            this->move_coords.y = event.motion.y;
        } else {
            this->mouseMoves = false;

     * Provides coordinates when mousebutton down
    MouseCoords getCoordinates(){
        return move_coords;

     * Refresh the coordinates. MUST be called after Mouse::clearCoordinates();
    void clearCoordinates(){
        this->move_coords.x = -1;
        this->move_coords.y = -1;


     * Creates selector rect, call this in the render loop
     void createSelectBox(SDL_Renderer *renderer){
         if(this->leftButtonDown) {
            Block rect(
                       this->start_coords.y -this->move_coords.y ,
                       this->move_coords.x - this->start_coords.x
             rect.draw( renderer );



#ifndef BLOCK_H_
#define BLOCK_H_
 * Standard Class which can be used to build a player, enemy, or something similar

class Block{
    SDL_Rect rect;
    Block(int x=10, int y=10, int w=10, int h=10, int filled=true){
        rect.x = x;
        rect.y = y;
        rect.w = w;
        rect.h = h;

     * draw with the given rendererer
    void draw(SDL_Renderer *renderer){
        SDL_SetRenderDrawColor( renderer , 200 , 155 , 255 , 255);
        SDL_RenderDrawRect( renderer, &rect );
        SDL_RenderPresent( renderer );

    bool framed(){
        return 0;



SDL_Window *window;
SDL_Renderer *renderer;
Mouse mouse;
Block rect;

void renderWindow(){
    window = SDL_CreateWindow("commanding rects", 100, 100, 700, 600, 0);
    renderer = SDL_CreateRenderer(window, -1, 0);

void renderGame(Mouse mouse){
    SDL_RenderSetLogicalSize( renderer, 400, 300 );
    SDL_SetRenderDrawColor( renderer, 0, 0, 0, 0);
    SDL_RenderClear( renderer );
    SDL_RenderPresent( renderer );
    mouse.createSelectBox( renderer );


void gameLoop(){
    bool game_run = true;
    while (game_run) {
        SDL_Event event;
        while( SDL_PollEvent(&event)){
            if ( event.type == SDL_QUIT ) {
                game_run = false;
            mouse.setState(event.type, event);
        SDL_Delay( 15 );


int main(){
    return 0;


void createSelectBox(SDL_Renderer *renderer){
    if(this->leftButtonDown) {
        Block rect(this->mousedown_coords.x,
                   this->mousedown_coords.y - this->mousemove_coords.y,
                   this->mousemove_coords.x - this->mousedown_coords.x);

在这段代码中,无论鼠标坐标值是多少,您都将矩形的宽度和高度设置为 0。由于您正在绘制边界框,我想您想要存储两组 x,y 坐标,一组用于按下鼠标按钮时,一组用于释放鼠标按钮时。


我检索到绘制矩形的错误起点。 当触发 mousedown 我必须得到 event.button.x 而不是 GetMouseState

这是更新后的 Mouse.h

#ifndef MOUSE_H_
#define MOUSE_H_

class Mouse {

    bool leftButtonDown = false;
    bool mouseMoves = false;

    struct MouseCoords {
        int x = -1;
        int y = -1;

    MouseCoords start_coords;
    MouseCoords move_coords;

    void setState(Uint32 eventType, SDL_Event event){

        if ( eventType == SDL_MOUSEBUTTONDOWN) {
            this->leftButtonDown = true;
            this->start_coords.x = event.button.x;
            this->start_coords.y = event.button.y;

        if ( eventType == SDL_MOUSEBUTTONUP ) {
            this->leftButtonDown = false;

        if ( eventType == SDL_MOUSEMOTION ) {
            this->move_coords.x = event.motion.x;
            this->move_coords.y = event.motion.y;

     * Provides coordinates when mousebutton down
    MouseCoords getCoordinates(){
        return move_coords;

     * Creates selector rect, call this in the render loop
     void createSelectBox(SDL_Renderer *renderer){

        if(this->leftButtonDown) {

            float width = this->move_coords.x - this->start_coords.x;
            float height = this->start_coords.y - this->move_coords.y;
            float x = this->start_coords.x ;
            float y = this->move_coords.y;

            Block rect(x, y,width, height);
            rect.draw( renderer );


