一旦在虚拟滚动中将新数据附加到 wijmo-grid,滚动设置到顶部

Scrolling sets to top once new data is appended to wijmo-grid in virtual scrolling

在使用 网格实现虚拟滚动时,按照以下代码,当新数据附加到 data 数组时(一旦我们滚动并到达网格的最后一条记录) , 滚动会重置到初始位置。


scrollPositionChanged: function(s, e) {

    // if we're close to the bottom, add 10 items
    if (s.viewRange.bottomRow >= s.rows.length - 1) {
            addData(data, 20);

知道我们如何才能阻止这种行为吗?其他网格如 , provides smooth behaviour - once the data is appended, the previous last record stays in the view. Can we achieve similar kind of behaviour for ?


var pos;

var grid = new wijmo.grid.FlexGrid('#flex', {
  itemsSource: data,
  scrollPositionChanged: function (s, e) {
    // if we're close to the bottom, add 10 items
    if (s.viewRange.bottomRow >= s.rows.length - 1) {
      addData(data, 20);
      //save current scroll postion
      pos = grid.scrollPosition;

    //restore scroll position
    if (pos) {
      s.scrollPosition = Object.assign({}, pos);
      pos = null;

检查更新后的 fiddle:- http://jsfiddle.net/797tjc5u/

您需要在发出 http 请求之前存储滚动位置,并在项目添加到 FlexGrid 后返回。

请参考以下更新后的fiddle http服务延迟模拟:
