
Transaction scope similar functionality

我正在寻找与 t运行saction 范围非常相似的东西,它在服务上创建一个版本,并将 delete/commit 在范围的末尾。 t运行saction 范围内的每个 SQL 语句 运行 在内部查看一些连接池/ t运行saction 存储以确定它是否在范围内并做出适当的反应。调用者不需要将 t运行saction 传递给每个调用。我正在寻找这个功能。



public sealed class VersionScope : IDisposable
    private readonly GeodatabaseVersion _version;
    private readonly VersionManager _versionManager;

    public VersionScope(Configuration config)
        _versionManager = new VersionManager(config);
        _version = _versionManager.GenerateTempVersion();

    public void Dispose()

    public void Complete()


Version = GetCurrentVersionWithinScope()



我非常幼稚的方法是查找进程所在的内存块是否有唯一标识符 运行。然后将当前工作版本存储到全局数组或并发字典中。然后在我需要当前版本的代码中,我使用它的内存块标识符并将它映射到创建的版本。



using (var scope = new VersionScope(_config))
    AddFeature(); // This has no concept of scope passed to it, and could error out forcing a dispose() without a complete()

像这样使用 IDisposable 有点值得怀疑。 (参见 Is it abusive to use IDisposable and "using" as a means for getting "scoped behavior" for exception safety?


class LevelContext
    private int _level;

    public int CurrentLevel
        get { return _level; }
        set { _level = value < 0 ? 0 : value; }

    public ILevel NewLevel(int depth = 1)
        return new Level(this, depth);

    /// <summary>
    /// Provides an interface that calling code can use to handle level objects.
    /// </summary>
    public interface ILevel : IDisposable
        LevelContext Owner { get; }
        int Depth { get; }
        void Close();

    /// <summary>
    /// Private class that provides an easy way to scope levels by allowing
    /// them to participate in the "using" construct. Creation of a Level results in an
    /// increase in owner's level, while disposal returns owner's level to what it was before.
    /// </summary>
    class Level : ILevel
        public Level(LevelContext owner, int depth)
            Owner = owner;
            Depth = depth;
            PreviousLevel = owner.CurrentLevel;
            Owner.CurrentLevel += Depth;

        public LevelContext Owner { get; private set; }
        public int Depth { get; private set; }
        public int PreviousLevel { get; private set; }

        public void Close()
            if (Owner != null)
                Owner.CurrentLevel = PreviousLevel;
                Owner = null;

        void IDisposable.Dispose()



    static void Main(string[] args)
        var lc = new LevelContext();


        using (lc.NewLevel())


所以在你的情况下,你是对的——你需要创建一些东西来跟踪当前版本。创建和处置 VersionScope 时应该更新某些内容。

最直接的方法是使用ThreadStaticThreadLocal 将当前版本存储在线程本地存储中。这样多个线程就不会互相干扰了。例如假设我们版本 class:

public class Version {
    public Version(int number) {
        Number = number;
    public int Number { get; }

    public override string ToString() {
        return "Version " + Number;

然后 VersionScope 的实现可以这样进行:

public sealed class VersionScope : IDisposable {
    private bool _isCompleted;
    private bool _isDisposed;
    // note ThreadStatic attribute
    [ThreadStatic] private static Version _currentVersion;
    public static Version CurrentVersion => _currentVersion;

    public VersionScope(int version) {
        _currentVersion = new Version(version);

    public void Dispose() {
        if (_isCompleted || _isDisposed)
        var v = _currentVersion;
        if (v != null) {
        _currentVersion = null;
        _isDisposed = true;

    public void Complete() {
        if (_isCompleted || _isDisposed)
        var v = _currentVersion;
        if (v != null) {
        _currentVersion = null;
        _isCompleted = true;

    private void DeleteVersion(Version version) {
        Console.WriteLine($"Version {version} deleted");

    private void PushVersion(Version version) {
        Console.WriteLine($"Version {version} pushed");

它会工作,但它不支持嵌套作用域,这不好,所以要修复我们需要在开始新作用域时存储以前的作用域,并在 Complete 或 [=20= 上恢复它]:

public sealed class VersionScope : IDisposable {
    private bool _isCompleted;
    private bool _isDisposed;
    private static readonly ThreadLocal<VersionChain> _versions = new ThreadLocal<VersionChain>();

    public static Version CurrentVersion => _versions.Value?.Current;

    public VersionScope(int version) {
        var cur = _versions.Value;
        // remember previous versions if any
        _versions.Value = new VersionChain(new Version(version), cur);

    public void Dispose() {
        if (_isCompleted || _isDisposed)
        var cur = _versions.Value;
        if (cur != null) {
            // restore previous
            _versions.Value = cur.Previous;
        _isDisposed = true;

    public void Complete() {
        if (_isCompleted || _isDisposed)
        var cur = _versions.Value;
        if (cur != null) {
            // restore previous
            _versions.Value = cur.Previous;
        _isCompleted = true;

    private void DeleteVersion(Version version) {
        Console.WriteLine($"Version {version} deleted");

    private void PushVersion(Version version) {
        Console.WriteLine($"Version {version} pushed");

    // just a class to store previous versions
    private class VersionChain {
        public VersionChain(Version current, VersionChain previous) {
            Current = current;
            Previous = previous;

        public Version Current { get; }
        public VersionChain Previous { get; }

这已经是您可以使用的东西了。示例用法(我使用单线程,但如果有多个线程分别执行此操作 - 它们不会相互干扰):

static void Main(string[] args) {
    PrintCurrentVersion(); // no version
    using (var s1 = new VersionScope(1)) {
        PrintCurrentVersion(); // version 1
        PrintCurrentVersion(); // no version, 1 is already completed
        using (var s2 = new VersionScope(2)) {
            using (var s3 = new VersionScope(3)) {
                PrintCurrentVersion(); // version 3
            } // version 3 deleted
            PrintCurrentVersion(); // back to version 2
        PrintCurrentVersion(); // no version, all completed or deleted

private static void PrintCurrentVersion() {
    Console.WriteLine("Current version: " + VersionScope.CurrentVersion);

然而,当您使用异步调用时,这将不起作用,因为 ThreadLocal 绑定到一个线程,但异步方法可以跨越多个线程。但是,有一个名为 AsyncLocal 的类似构造,其值将通过异步调用流动。所以我们可以将构造函数参数添加到 VersionScope 以指示我们是否需要异步流。事务范围以类似的方式工作——有 TransactionScopeAsyncFlowOption 您传递给 TransactionScope 构造函数,指示它是否将流过异步调用。


public sealed class VersionScope : IDisposable {
    private bool _isCompleted;
    private bool _isDisposed;
    private readonly bool _asyncFlow;
    // thread local versions
    private static readonly ThreadLocal<VersionChain> _tlVersions = new ThreadLocal<VersionChain>();
    // async local versions
    private static readonly AsyncLocal<VersionChain> _alVersions = new AsyncLocal<VersionChain>();
    // to get current version, first check async local storage, then thread local
    public static Version CurrentVersion => _alVersions.Value?.Current ?? _tlVersions.Value?.Current;
    // helper method
    private VersionChain CurrentVersionChain => _asyncFlow ? _alVersions.Value : _tlVersions.Value;

    public VersionScope(int version, bool asyncFlow = false) {
        _asyncFlow = asyncFlow;

        var cur = CurrentVersionChain;
        // remember previous versions if any
        if (asyncFlow) {
            _alVersions.Value = new VersionChain(new Version(version), cur);
        else {
            _tlVersions.Value = new VersionChain(new Version(version), cur);

    public void Dispose() {
        if (_isCompleted || _isDisposed)
        var cur = CurrentVersionChain;
        if (cur != null) {
            // restore previous
            if (_asyncFlow) {
                _alVersions.Value = cur.Previous;
            else {
                _tlVersions.Value = cur.Previous;
        _isDisposed = true;

    public void Complete() {
        if (_isCompleted || _isDisposed)
        var cur = CurrentVersionChain;
        if (cur != null) {
            // restore previous
            if (_asyncFlow) {
                _alVersions.Value = cur.Previous;
            else {
                _tlVersions.Value = cur.Previous;
        _isCompleted = true;

    private void DeleteVersion(Version version) {
        Console.WriteLine($"Version {version} deleted");

    private void PushVersion(Version version) {
        Console.WriteLine($"Version {version} pushed");

    // just a class to store previous versions
    private class VersionChain {
        public VersionChain(Version current, VersionChain previous) {
            Current = current;
            Previous = previous;

        public Version Current { get; }
        public VersionChain Previous { get; }


static void Main(string[] args) {

static async void Test() {
    PrintCurrentVersion(); // no version
    using (var s1 = new VersionScope(1, asyncFlow: true)) {
        await Task.Delay(100);
        PrintCurrentVersion(); // version 1
        await Task.Delay(100);
        await Task.Delay(100);
        PrintCurrentVersion(); // no version, 1 is already completed
        using (var s2 = new VersionScope(2, asyncFlow: true)) {
            using (var s3 = new VersionScope(3, asyncFlow: true)) {
                PrintCurrentVersion(); // version 3
            } // version 3 deleted
            await Task.Delay(100);
            PrintCurrentVersion(); // back to version 2
        await Task.Delay(100);
        PrintCurrentVersion(); // no version, all completed or deleted

private static void PrintCurrentVersion() {
    Console.WriteLine("Current version: " + VersionScope.CurrentVersion);