是否可以懒惰地获取 Traversable 的所有上下文?
Is it possible to get all contexts of a Traversable lazily?
提供 holesOf
holesList :: Traversable t
=> t a -> [(a, a -> t a)]
的类型与真实 holesOf
holes :: Traversable t
=> t a -> t (a, a -> t a)
我们可以通过使用 holesList
制作一个列表然后遍历 State
将元素吸回来来实现 holes
slurping 代码将有一个无法访问的错误调用来处理列表在遍历完成之前运行为空的情况。这很恶心,但对于使用该功能的人来说可能并不重要。
我想知道是否有解决这些问题的方法。很可能在 lens:
中使用 Magma
data FT a r where
Pure :: r -> FT a r
Single :: a -> FT a a
Map :: (r -> s) -> FT a r -> FT a s
Ap :: FT a (r -> s) -> FT a r -> FT a s
instance Functor (FT a) where
fmap = Map
instance Applicative (FT a) where
pure = Pure
(<*>) = Ap
runFT :: FT a t -> t
runFT (Pure t) = t
runFT (Single a) = a
runFT (Map f x) = f (runFT x)
runFT (Ap fs xs) = runFT fs (runFT xs)
runFT . traverse Single = id
traverse Single
使树充满元素以及将它们构建到容器中所需的功能应用程序。如果我们替换树中的一个元素,我们可以 runFT
模糊的想法:添加另一个类型参数可能有助于更改元素类型。 Magma
类型做类似的事情,它至少可以追溯到 Zemyla 在 Van Laarhoven 的博客 post 上关于 FunList
我还没有找到一种非常漂亮的方法来做到这一点。那可能是因为我不够聪明,但我怀疑这是 traverse
类型的固有限制。但是我找到了一个有点丑陋的方法!关键确实似乎是 Magma
data Mag a b t where
Pure :: t -> Mag a b t
Map :: (x -> t) -> Mag a b x -> Mag a b t
Ap :: Mag a b (t -> u) -> Mag a b t -> Mag a b u
One :: a -> Mag a b b
instance Functor (Mag a b) where
fmap = Map
instance Applicative (Mag a b) where
pure = Pure
(<*>) = Ap
-- We only ever call this with id, so the extra generality
-- may be silly.
runMag :: forall a b t. (a -> b) -> Mag a b t -> t
runMag f = go
go :: forall u. Mag a b u -> u
go (Pure t) = t
go (One a) = f a
go (Map f x) = f (go x)
go (Ap fs xs) = go fs (go xs)
我们使用 Mag a a (t a)
类型之一并行递归下降类型 Mag x (a, a -> t a) (t (a, a -> t a))
的值,使用后者产生 a
和 a -> t a
值,前者作为从这些值构建 t (a, a -> t)
的框架。 x
实际上是 a
;它保留了多态性,使 "type tetris" 不那么混乱。
-- Precondition: the arguments should actually be the same;
-- only their types will differ. This justifies the impossibility
-- of non-matching constructors.
smash :: forall a x t u.
Mag x (a, a -> t) u
-> Mag a a t
-> u
smash = go id
go :: forall r b.
(r -> t)
-> Mag x (a, a -> t) b
-> Mag a a r
-> b
go f (Pure x) _ = x
go f (One x) (One y) = (y, f)
go f (Map g x) (Map h y) = g (go (f . h) x y)
go f (Ap fs xs) (Ap gs ys) =
(go (f . ($ runMag id ys)) fs gs)
(go (f . runMag id gs) xs ys)
go _ _ _ = error "Impossible!"
我们实际上使用对 traverse
的一次调用生成两个 Mag
holes :: forall t a. Traversable t => t a -> t (a, a -> t a)
holes t = smash mag mag
mag :: Mag a b (t b)
mag = traverse One t
holes (Reverse [1..])
其中 Reverse
来自 Data.Functor.Reverse
Your existing solution 为 Ap
构造函数定义的树中的每个分支调用一次 runMag
我没有分析任何东西,但由于 runMag
另一种方法是打结,这样您(实际上)只为整棵树调用 runMag
data Mag a b c where
One :: a -> Mag a b b
Pure :: c -> Mag a b c
Ap :: Mag a b (c -> d) -> Mag a b c -> Mag a b d
instance Functor (Mag a b) where
fmap = Ap . Pure
instance Applicative (Mag a b) where
pure = Pure
(<*>) = Ap
holes :: forall t a. Traversable t => t a -> t (a, a -> t a)
holes = \t ->
let m :: Mag a b (t b)
m = traverse One t
in fst $ go id m m
go :: (x -> y)
-> Mag a (a, a -> y) z
-> Mag a a x
-> (z, x)
go f (One a) (One _) = ((a, f), a)
go _ (Pure z) (Pure x) = (z, x)
go f (Ap mg mi) (Ap mh mj) =
let ~(g, h) = go (f . ($j)) mg mh
~(i, j) = go (f . h ) mi mj
in (g i, h j)
go _ _ _ = error "only called with same value twice, constructors must match"
import Control.Applicative
import Data.Traversable
holes :: Traversable t => t a -> t (a, a -> t a)
holes t = flip runKA id $ for t $ \a ->
KA $ \k ->
let f a' = fst <$> k (a', f)
in (a, f)
newtype KA r a = KA { runKA :: (a -> r) -> a }
instance Functor (KA r) where fmap f a = pure f <*> a
instance Applicative (KA r) where
pure a = KA (\_ -> a)
liftA2 f (KA ka) (KA kb) = KA $ \cr ->
a = ka ar
b = kb br
ar a' = cr $ f a' b
br b' = cr $ f a b'
in f a b
是一个 "lazy continuation applicative functor"。如果我们用标准的 Cont
monad 替换它,我们也会得到一个可行的解决方案,但它不是惰性的,但是:
import Control.Monad.Cont
import Data.Traversable
holes :: Traversable t => t a -> t (a, a -> t a)
holes t = flip runCont id $ for t $ \a ->
cont $ \k ->
let f a' = fst <$> k (a', f)
in k (a, f)
这并没有真正回答原来的问题,但它显示了另一个角度。看起来这个问题实际上与我问的 关系很深。假设 Traversable
traverse2 :: Biapplicative f
=> (a -> f b c) -> t a -> f (t b) (t c)
注意:实际上可以为任何具体的 Traversable
newtype T a = T (forall f b. Applicative f => (a -> f b) -> f (T b))
有了它,我们可以设计一个与 Roman 的非常相似的类型,但与 rampion 的不同:
newtype Holes t m x = Holes { runHoles :: (x -> t) -> (m, x) }
instance Bifunctor (Holes t) where
bimap f g xs = Holes $ \xt ->
(qf, qv) = runHoles xs (xt . g)
in (f qf, g qv)
instance Biapplicative (Holes t) where
bipure x y = Holes $ \_ -> (x, y)
fs <<*>> xs = Holes $ \xt ->
(pf, pv) = runHoles fs (\cd -> xt (cd qv))
(qf, qv) = runHoles xs (\c -> xt (pv c))
in (pf qf, pv qv)
holedOne :: a -> Holes (t a) (a, a -> t a) a
holedOne x = Holes $ \xt -> ((x, xt), x)
holed :: Traversable t => t a -> t (a, a -> t a)
holed xs = fst (runHoles (traverse2 holedOne xs) id)
提供 holesOf
holesList :: Traversable t
=> t a -> [(a, a -> t a)]
的类型与真实 holesOf
holes :: Traversable t
=> t a -> t (a, a -> t a)
我们可以通过使用 holesList
制作一个列表然后遍历 State
将元素吸回来来实现 holes
slurping 代码将有一个无法访问的错误调用来处理列表在遍历完成之前运行为空的情况。这很恶心,但对于使用该功能的人来说可能并不重要。
我想知道是否有解决这些问题的方法。很可能在 lens:
data FT a r where
Pure :: r -> FT a r
Single :: a -> FT a a
Map :: (r -> s) -> FT a r -> FT a s
Ap :: FT a (r -> s) -> FT a r -> FT a s
instance Functor (FT a) where
fmap = Map
instance Applicative (FT a) where
pure = Pure
(<*>) = Ap
runFT :: FT a t -> t
runFT (Pure t) = t
runFT (Single a) = a
runFT (Map f x) = f (runFT x)
runFT (Ap fs xs) = runFT fs (runFT xs)
runFT . traverse Single = id
traverse Single
使树充满元素以及将它们构建到容器中所需的功能应用程序。如果我们替换树中的一个元素,我们可以 runFT
模糊的想法:添加另一个类型参数可能有助于更改元素类型。 Magma
类型做类似的事情,它至少可以追溯到 Zemyla 在 Van Laarhoven 的博客 post 上关于 FunList
我还没有找到一种非常漂亮的方法来做到这一点。那可能是因为我不够聪明,但我怀疑这是 traverse
类型的固有限制。但是我找到了一个有点丑陋的方法!关键确实似乎是 Magma
data Mag a b t where
Pure :: t -> Mag a b t
Map :: (x -> t) -> Mag a b x -> Mag a b t
Ap :: Mag a b (t -> u) -> Mag a b t -> Mag a b u
One :: a -> Mag a b b
instance Functor (Mag a b) where
fmap = Map
instance Applicative (Mag a b) where
pure = Pure
(<*>) = Ap
-- We only ever call this with id, so the extra generality
-- may be silly.
runMag :: forall a b t. (a -> b) -> Mag a b t -> t
runMag f = go
go :: forall u. Mag a b u -> u
go (Pure t) = t
go (One a) = f a
go (Map f x) = f (go x)
go (Ap fs xs) = go fs (go xs)
我们使用 Mag a a (t a)
类型之一并行递归下降类型 Mag x (a, a -> t a) (t (a, a -> t a))
的值,使用后者产生 a
和 a -> t a
值,前者作为从这些值构建 t (a, a -> t)
的框架。 x
实际上是 a
;它保留了多态性,使 "type tetris" 不那么混乱。
-- Precondition: the arguments should actually be the same;
-- only their types will differ. This justifies the impossibility
-- of non-matching constructors.
smash :: forall a x t u.
Mag x (a, a -> t) u
-> Mag a a t
-> u
smash = go id
go :: forall r b.
(r -> t)
-> Mag x (a, a -> t) b
-> Mag a a r
-> b
go f (Pure x) _ = x
go f (One x) (One y) = (y, f)
go f (Map g x) (Map h y) = g (go (f . h) x y)
go f (Ap fs xs) (Ap gs ys) =
(go (f . ($ runMag id ys)) fs gs)
(go (f . runMag id gs) xs ys)
go _ _ _ = error "Impossible!"
我们实际上使用对 traverse
的一次调用生成两个 Mag
holes :: forall t a. Traversable t => t a -> t (a, a -> t a)
holes t = smash mag mag
mag :: Mag a b (t b)
mag = traverse One t
holes (Reverse [1..])
其中 Reverse
来自 Data.Functor.Reverse
Your existing solution 为 Ap
构造函数定义的树中的每个分支调用一次 runMag
我没有分析任何东西,但由于 runMag
另一种方法是打结,这样您(实际上)只为整棵树调用 runMag
data Mag a b c where
One :: a -> Mag a b b
Pure :: c -> Mag a b c
Ap :: Mag a b (c -> d) -> Mag a b c -> Mag a b d
instance Functor (Mag a b) where
fmap = Ap . Pure
instance Applicative (Mag a b) where
pure = Pure
(<*>) = Ap
holes :: forall t a. Traversable t => t a -> t (a, a -> t a)
holes = \t ->
let m :: Mag a b (t b)
m = traverse One t
in fst $ go id m m
go :: (x -> y)
-> Mag a (a, a -> y) z
-> Mag a a x
-> (z, x)
go f (One a) (One _) = ((a, f), a)
go _ (Pure z) (Pure x) = (z, x)
go f (Ap mg mi) (Ap mh mj) =
let ~(g, h) = go (f . ($j)) mg mh
~(i, j) = go (f . h ) mi mj
in (g i, h j)
go _ _ _ = error "only called with same value twice, constructors must match"
import Control.Applicative
import Data.Traversable
holes :: Traversable t => t a -> t (a, a -> t a)
holes t = flip runKA id $ for t $ \a ->
KA $ \k ->
let f a' = fst <$> k (a', f)
in (a, f)
newtype KA r a = KA { runKA :: (a -> r) -> a }
instance Functor (KA r) where fmap f a = pure f <*> a
instance Applicative (KA r) where
pure a = KA (\_ -> a)
liftA2 f (KA ka) (KA kb) = KA $ \cr ->
a = ka ar
b = kb br
ar a' = cr $ f a' b
br b' = cr $ f a b'
in f a b
是一个 "lazy continuation applicative functor"。如果我们用标准的 Cont
monad 替换它,我们也会得到一个可行的解决方案,但它不是惰性的,但是:
import Control.Monad.Cont
import Data.Traversable
holes :: Traversable t => t a -> t (a, a -> t a)
holes t = flip runCont id $ for t $ \a ->
cont $ \k ->
let f a' = fst <$> k (a', f)
in k (a, f)
这并没有真正回答原来的问题,但它显示了另一个角度。看起来这个问题实际上与我问的 Traversable
traverse2 :: Biapplicative f
=> (a -> f b c) -> t a -> f (t b) (t c)
注意:实际上可以为任何具体的 Traversable
newtype T a = T (forall f b. Applicative f => (a -> f b) -> f (T b))
有了它,我们可以设计一个与 Roman 的非常相似的类型,但与 rampion 的不同:
newtype Holes t m x = Holes { runHoles :: (x -> t) -> (m, x) }
instance Bifunctor (Holes t) where
bimap f g xs = Holes $ \xt ->
(qf, qv) = runHoles xs (xt . g)
in (f qf, g qv)
instance Biapplicative (Holes t) where
bipure x y = Holes $ \_ -> (x, y)
fs <<*>> xs = Holes $ \xt ->
(pf, pv) = runHoles fs (\cd -> xt (cd qv))
(qf, qv) = runHoles xs (\c -> xt (pv c))
in (pf qf, pv qv)
holedOne :: a -> Holes (t a) (a, a -> t a) a
holedOne x = Holes $ \xt -> ((x, xt), x)
holed :: Traversable t => t a -> t (a, a -> t a)
holed xs = fst (runHoles (traverse2 holedOne xs) id)