来自 Python 3 的 urllib 用法

urlib usage from Python 3


TypeError: POST data should be bytes, an iterable of bytes, or a file object. It cannot be of type str.


import urllib.request, urllib.parse, urllib.error, urllib.request, 
urllib.error, urllib.parse
import json

chemcalcURL = 'http://www.chemcalc.org/chemcalc/em'

# Define a molecular formula string
mfRange = 'C0-100H0-100N0-10O0-10'
# target mass
mass = 300

# Define the parameters and send them to Chemcalc
# other options (mass tolerance, unsaturation, etc.
params = {'mfRange': mfRange,'monoisotopicMass': mass}

response = urllib.request.urlopen(chemcalcURL, urllib.parse.urlencode(params))

# Read the output and convert it from JSON into a Python dictionary
jsondata = response.read()
data = json.loads(jsondata)


您必须将您的请求转换为涉及使用 bytes() 参数的字节:

response = urllib.request.urlopen(chemcalcURL, bytes(urllib.parse.urlencode(params), encoding="utf-8")

bytes() 必须采用网站几乎总是 utf-8 的编码。