
Why can't I have an private abstract method?

假设我有 classic:

public abstract class Mammal {
    private int numLegs;
    private String voice;
    private Coat coat;

    public abstract void eat();

    public abstract void speak();
    public abstract void sleep();  

    private abstract void ingestFood(Food f);  //The abstract method ingestFood in type Mammal can only set a visibility modifier, one of public or protected


public class Dog extends Mammal {
     private int numLegs = 4;
     private String voice = "Woof!";
     private Coat coat = new Coat(COATTYPE.FUR, COATCOLOR.BROWN);

     public void eat()
          Rabbit r = chaseRabbits(); 
          if (r != null) ingest(r); 
          else {
                   Garbage g = raidBin(); 
                   if (g!= null) ingest(g); 


     private void ingest(Food f)

public class Human extends Mammal {
     private int numLegs = 2;
     private String voice = "Howdy!!";
     private Coat coat = new Coat(COATTYPE.SKIN, COATCOLOR.PINK);

     public void eat()
          Food f = gotoSuperMarket();


     private void ingest(Food f)

现在,我想要 Mammal class 中的一个方法,该方法可由哺乳动物的所有实例调用,例如

public String describe() {
     return "This mammal has " + this.numLegs + "legs, a " + this.coat.getColor() + " " this.coat.getCoatType() + " and says " + this.voice;

我的问题是,通过使 Mammal class 不抽象,是否可以单独创造哺乳动物?例如

 Mammal me = new Mammal();


但是,我确实想要一些由父 class 实现的 public 方法,所有子 class 都调用它们,但每个方法都调用自己的私有方法。


"Abstract classes are similar to interfaces. You cannot instantiate them, and they may contain a mix of methods declared with or without an implementation."


如果您希望未实现的方法在子 类 上有不同的行为,请将它们声明为抽象方法,并且要继承的方法像普通方法一样保留它们。还使用 protected 而不是 private 以便继承 类:

public abstract class Mammal
  protected int numLegs;
  protected String voice;
  protected Coat coat;

  abstract void eat();
  abstract void speak();
  abstract void sleep();

  public String describe()
     return "This mammal has " + this.numLegs + "legs, a " 
     + this.coat.getColor() + " " this.coat.getCoatType() + " and says " + this.voice;


public class Dog extends Mammal
  public Dog(){
     this.numLegs = 4;
     this.voice = "Woof!";
     this.coat = new Coat(COATTYPE.FUR, COATCOLOR.BROWN);
  void eat(){
    System.out.println("eating like a dog");
  void speak(){
    System.out.println("speaking like a dog");
  void sleep(){
    System.out.println("sleeping like a dog");

public class Human extends Mammal
  public Human(){
     this.numLegs = 2;
     this.voice = "Howdy!!";
     this.coat = new Coat(COATTYPE.SKIN, COATCOLOR.PINK);
  void eat(){
    System.out.println("eating like a human");
  void speak(){
    System.out.println("speaking like a human");
  void sleep(){
    System.out.println("sleeping like a human");


不能有private abstract方法,因为abstract方法需要在子类中实现。但是 private 方法在子类中不可见。


所以你永远无法实现 private abstract 方法。这就是 Java 不允许它们的原因 - 它们没有意义。