
Segmentation fault when adding node to linked list

Node *orderedInsert(Node *p, int newval)
/* Allocates a new Node with data value newval
   and inserts into the ordered list with 
   first node pointer p in such a way that the
   data values in the modified list are in 
   ascending order as the list is traversed.
   Node* current = NULL;
   Node* prev = NULL;
   Node* newNode = (Node*)malloc(sizeof(Node));
   newNode->next = NULL;
   newNode->data = newval;

   if(newNode == NULL)
      printf("Could not allocate memory for new node");

   current = p;   

   if(p == NULL){

      p = newNode;
      newNode->next = NULL;
      newNode->data = newval;
      return  p;
   else if(newval < p->data){
      newNode->next = p;
      p = newNode;
      return p;
      prev = p;
      current = current->next; 

      while(newNode->data > current->data && current != NULL){

         prev = current;
         current = current->next;
      if(prev->next == NULL){//the error is located somewhere here I think
         prev->next = newNode;
         newNode->data = newval;
         newNode->next = NULL;
         return p;   
         newNode->next = current;
         prev->next = newNode;
         return p;

我只在添加比任何其他节点都大的节点时收到分段错误错误(这意味着它将位于列表的末尾)。如果我按 4 3 2 1 或 4 2 1 3 的顺序输入它们会很好,但如果我输入 1 2 就不行。

使用您将 1 和 2 相加的示例。


if(p == NULL){
  p = newNode;
  newNode->next = NULL;
  newNode->data = newval;
  return  p;



  prev = p;
  current = current->next; 

  while(newNode->data > current->data && current != NULL){
