如何在 LightGraphs (Julia) 中为图形添加自由边?

How to add free edge to graph in LightGraphs (Julia)?

朱莉娅。一些弧是 "free"(空重)。但是,当指定权重为 0 时,它不会作为新边添加,并且最短路径问题不会将其包含在可能的解决方案中。有没有一种简单的方法可以将 "free" edges/arcs 添加到 Julia 中的图形?

SimpleWeightedGraphs README example 的这种修改对我有用:

using LightGraphs, SimpleWeightedGraphs

# set the size of the graph
g = SimpleWeightedDiGraph(3) 

add_edge!(g, 1, 2, 0.5)
add_edge!(g, 2, 3, 0.8)
add_edge!(g, 1, 3, 2.0)

# find the shortest path from vertex 1 to vertex 3 taking weights into account.
enumerate_paths(dijkstra_shortest_paths(g, 1), 3) # gives [1,2,3]

# reweight the edge from 1 to 3 to be "free"
add_edge!(g, 1, 3, 0.0)

enumerate_paths(dijkstra_shortest_paths(g, 1), 3) # gives [1,3]


关键问题是零值如何在稀疏矩阵(它是 SimpleWeightedGraphs 的基础数据存储)中表示。虽然基础零值一旦被显式设置确实会被保留:

julia> g = SimpleWeightedGraph(6)
{6, 0} undirected simple Int64 graph with Float64 weights

julia> add_edge!(g, 1, 2, 1.0)

julia> add_edge!(g, 1, 3, 1.0)

julia> add_edge!(g, 1, 3, 0.0)

julia> weights(g)
6×6 SparseMatrixCSC{Float64,Int64} with 4 stored entries:
  [2, 1]  =  1.0
  [3, 1]  =  0.0
  [1, 2]  =  1.0
  [1, 3]  =  0.0


julia> collect(edges(g))
1-element Array{SimpleWeightedGraphs.SimpleWeightedEdge{Int64,Float64},1}:
 Edge 1 => 2 with weight 1.0


(PS:初始 add_edge!(g, 1, 3, 0.0) 不起作用的原因是因为在 Julia 中,将新的稀疏矩阵元素的值设置为零是 no-op。)