在将 XYZ 转换为线性 sRGB 期间答案超出范围 [0,1]

during conversion of XYZ to linear sRGB answer is out of range [0,1]

我的任务是将 RGB 图像转换为 LuvImage。 在此域中执行线性拉伸。然后将其转换回 RGB 域。


[[ 0 0 0]

[255 0 0]

[100 100 100]

[ 0 100 100]]


[[0 , 0, 0],

[100 , 175, 37.7],

[79.64, 0, 0],

[71.2 ,-29.29,-6.339]]

现在,我正在将其转换为 XYZ 图像。答案是,

[[0,0, 0],

[1.5, 1, 0.53],

[0.533, 0.56, 0.61],

[0.344, 0.425, 0.523]]

现在,我正在将它转换成线性 sRGB 图像 通过将图像与 matrix:


[[3.240479, -1.53715, -0.498535],

[-0.969256, 1.875991, 0.041556],

[0.055648, -0.204043, 1.057311]]

此转换的答案 - 线性 sRGB 图像,

[[0. 0. 0. ],

[3.07132001 0.44046801 0.44082034],

[0.55904669 0.55972465 0.55993322],

[0.20106868 0.4850426 0.48520307]]


def XYZToLinearRGB(self, XYZImage):
    to find linearsRGBImage, we multiply XYZImage with static array
    [[3.240479, -1.53715, -0.498535],
     [-0.969256, 1.875991, 0.041556],
     [0.055648, -0.204043, 1.057311]]

    rows, cols, bands = XYZImage.shape # bands == 3

    linearsRGBImage =  np.zeros([rows, cols, bands], dtype=float)
    multiplierMatrix = np.array([[3.240479, -1.53715, -0.498535],
                                 [-0.969256, 1.875991, 0.041556],
                                 [0.055648, -0.204043, 1.057311]])

    for i in range(0, rows):
        for j in range(0, cols):
            X,Y,Z = XYZImage[i,j]
            linearsRGBImage[i,j] = np.matmul(multiplierMatrix, np.array([X,Y,Z]))
        #for j -ends
    #for i -ends

    return linearsRGBImage 


好吧,我在研究后发现的一个简单解决方案就是裁剪值。 因此,如果该值超出范围,假设 r<0,那么我们会将 r 指定为 0。 对于较大的值也是如此。如果 r>1(在我的例子中是 3.07),我们会将 r 指定为 1。


def XYZToLinearRGB(self, XYZImage):
    to find linearsRGBImage, we multiply XYZImage with static array
    [[3.240479, -1.53715, -0.498535],
     [-0.969256, 1.875991, 0.041556],
     [0.055648, -0.204043, 1.057311]]

    rows, cols, bands = XYZImage.shape # bands == 3

    linearsRGBImage =  np.zeros([rows, cols, bands], dtype=float)
    multiplierMatrix = np.array([[3.240479, -1.53715, -0.498535],
                                 [-0.969256, 1.875991, 0.041556],
                                 [0.055648, -0.204043, 1.057311]])

    for i in range(0, rows):
        for j in range(0, cols):
            X,Y,Z = XYZImage[i,j]
            rgbList = np.matmul(multiplierMatrix, np.array([X,Y,Z]))
            for index, val in enumerate(rgbList):
                if val<0:
                #if val -ends
                if val>1:
                #if val -ends
            #for index, val -ends
        #for j -ends
    #for i -ends

    return linearsRGBImage 
