
Sort field values alphabetically using marshmallow

当 API 返回每个字段的值时,我需要按字母顺序对其进行排序。似乎 marshmallow 的 pre_dump 方法是在序列化之前预处理数据的方法,但我一直无法弄清楚这一点。我已经多次阅读文档并用谷歌搜索但没有找到答案。

class UserSettingsSchema(UserSchema):
    class Meta:
        fields = (

    def pre_dump_hook(): # what do I pass in here?
        # alphabetize field values, eg, all the genres will be sorted

    equipments = fields.Nested(EquipmentSchema, many=True)
    goals = fields.Nested(GoalSchemaBrief, many=True)
    genres = fields.Nested(GenreSchemaBrief, many=True)

the docs所述:

By default, receives a single object at a time, regardless of whether many=True is passed to the Schema.


from marshmallow import *

class MySchema(Schema):

    name = fields.String()

    def pre_dump_hook(self, instance):
        instance['name'] = 'Hello %s' % instance['name']


schema = MySchema()
schema.dump({'name': 'Bill'})

>>> MarshalResult(data={'name': 'Hello Bill'}, errors={})

PoP 给出的答案没有解决我需要对值进行排序的事实。我是这样做的:

def post_load_hook(self, item):
    item['genres'] = sorted(item['genres'])
    return item