如何设计 Z 表示法中的搜索操作,搜索功能至少需要一个细节?

How do I design a search operation in Z notation whereby the search function requires at least one details?

这是我的约会数据库的 Z 架构。

|attendees : P Person /** those involved in the appointment **/
|/** a new TYPE object to store attendees, schedule and purpose **/
|appointments : P APPOINTMENT
|hasAppointment : Person <-> APPOINTMENT
|schedule : APPOINTMENT -> DateTime
|purpose : APPOINTMENT -> Report 
|/** a forward relation compositions to relate attendees with purpose and schedule **/
|attendeePurpose : hasAppointment;purpose 
|attendeeSchedule : hasAppointment;schedule 
|attendees ⊆ dom(hasAppointment)
|attendees ⊆ dom(attendeePurpose)
|appointments ⊆ ran(hasAppointment)

我想创建一个搜索功能,根据 attendees 的姓名查找约会。

  1. 我希望搜索功能return约会对象的所有详细信息。



|attendees? : Person
|appointmentAttendees! : P Person
|appointmentPurpose! : Report
|appointmentSchedule! : DateTime
|/** if name of any attendees is given, then it must exist in appointments' domain
|respectively before this function can run**/
|attendees? ∈ dom(attendees)
|/** return the set of attendees of the same APPOINTMENT using attendees? as input **/
|appointmentAttendees! = hasAppointment~(|{attendees?}|)
|/** Get the image of both forward relational compositions according to set of 
|appointmentPurpose! =  attendeePurpose(|{attendees?}|)
|appointmentSchedule! = attendeeSchedule(|{attendees?}|)

您是否检查过规格? 您的声明 subject? : P Person 声明 subject? 是一组人,但 subject? : dom(attendees) 暗示 subject? 是一个人。

  • 如果你想要 none 或一个给定的人,你可以引入一种类似于函数式编程语言中的 Maybe monad 的数据类型(或其他编程语言中的空值):

    MaybePerson ::= NoPerson | JustPerson <<Person>>


    subject? : MaybePerson


    subject? : ran(JustPerson) => schedule! : schedule(|{ JustPerson~ subject? }|)
  • 如果 subject? 是一组人,您可以通过以下方式实现相同的目标:

    subject? /= {} => schedule! : schedule(|subject?|)

然后对其他可能的输入做同样的事情。您还可以添加一个条件,即不是两个条目都应该是 NoPerson resp。并非两个输入集都应为空。