Toad For Oracle 中的不同作业、计划链、计划作业、计划 Windows 和计划作业 类

Different Job , Sched Chain, Sched Job, Sched Windows, and Sched Job classes in Toad For Oracle

你好.. 对不起,我需要问
我在 Toad for Oracle 中找不到关于 Different Toad Job , Sched Chain, Sched Windows, Sched Job and Sched Job classes description 的文献。


this image

来自文档Oracle Scheduler Concepts

  • Chains are the means by which you can implement dependency scheduling, in which job starts depend on the outcomes of one or more previous jobs.
  • Credentials are user name and password pairs stored in a dedicated database object. Scheduler jobs use credentials to authenticate themselves with a database instance or the operating system in order to run.
  • Job classes enable you to assign the same attributes to member jobs, set resource allocation for member jobs, and group jobs for prioritization.
  • You use jobs and other scheduler objects for task scheduling.
  • A program object (program) describes what is to be run by the Scheduler.
  • A schedule object (schedule) specifies when and how many times a job is run. Schedules can be shared by multiple jobs. For example, the end of a business quarter may be a common time frame for many jobs. Rather than defining an end-of-quarter schedule each time a new job is defined, job creators can point to a named schedule.
  • A window is an interval of time to run a job. You create windows to automatically start jobs or to change resource allocation among jobs during various time periods of the day, week, and so on. A window is represented by an interval of time with a well-defined beginning and end, such as "from 12am-6am".
  • A group designates a list of Scheduler objects. Instead of passing a list of objects as an argument to a DBMS_SCHEDULER package procedure, you create a group that has those objects as its members, and then pass the group name to the procedure.

最重要的当然是SCHEDULER JOB。我个人正在使用 JOB 和 SCHEDULE。到目前为止我从未使用过的所有其他对象。