
Win2D: How to draw a center image inside a circle scalable

我正在尝试使用 C# 中的 Win2D 在圆圈内绘制缩放图像,但我没有这样做。


    CanvasBitmap image;
    bool resourcesLoaded = false;
    public Other() {
    void canvasControl_Draw(CanvasControl sender, CanvasDrawEventArgs args) {
        if( resourcesLoaded ) {
            var halfWidth = sender.ActualWidth / 2;
            var halfHeight = sender.ActualHeight / 2;

            double displayScaling = DisplayInformation.GetForCurrentView().LogicalDpi / 96.0;
            double pixelWidth = halfWidth * displayScaling;
            double pixelHeight = halfHeight * displayScaling;

            var scaleEffect = new ScaleEffect() {
                Source = image,
                Scale = new Vector2() {
                    X = ( float ) ( pixelHeight / image.Size.Height ),
                    Y = ( float ) ( pixelHeight / image.Size.Height ),
            var blurEffect = new GaussianBlurEffect() {
                Source = scaleEffect,
                BlurAmount = 5f

            args.DrawingSession.FillCircle( new System.Numerics.Vector2() { X = ( float ) halfWidth, Y = (float) halfHeight },
              (float) halfHeight/2,
              new CanvasImageBrush( sender, blurEffect ) {
                  SourceRectangle = new Rect(0,0, scaleEffect.GetBounds(sender).Width, scaleEffect.GetBounds( sender ).Height)
              } );
    private void canvasControl_CreateResources(CanvasControl sender, Microsoft.Graphics.Canvas.UI.CanvasCreateResourcesEventArgs args) {
        args.TrackAsyncAction( CreateResources( sender ).AsAsyncAction() );
    private async Task CreateResources(CanvasControl sender) {
        image = await CanvasBitmap.LoadAsync( canvasControl, new Uri( "ms-appx:///Imgs/test.jpg" ) );
        resourcesLoaded = true;

发生的事情是图像似乎是在 window 的 X=0 和 Y=0 位置绘制的(canvas 使用所有 window),所以我的圆圈在 window 的中间,然后只有一点图像被绘制,我希望我的图像放在圆圈的中心。

所以问题是: - 我的体重秤做得对吗?为什么要除以 96?我可以从系统中读取这个吗? - 是否可以只模糊图像的边缘? - 如何在圆心绘制图像?



  • 我的秤做得对吗?

在下一个示例代码中现在是(比例必须同时使用,with 和 height)

  • 为什么要除以 96?我可以从系统中读取吗?


  • 以及如何在圆心绘制图像?

最好显示代码来回答这个问题,但基本上的想法是在 CanvasCommandList 中完成所有操作,然后在 window 上的任何需要的地方绘制 CanvasCommandList:

    CanvasCommandList cl;
    CanvasBitmap image;
    bool resourcesLoaded = false;
    private void canvasControl_CreateResources(CanvasControl sender, Microsoft.Graphics.Canvas.UI.CanvasCreateResourcesEventArgs args) {
        args.TrackAsyncAction( CreateResources( sender ).AsAsyncAction() );
    private async Task CreateResources(CanvasControl sender) {
        image = await CanvasBitmap.LoadAsync( canvasControl, new Uri( "ms-appx:///Imgs/test.jpg" ) );
        int ratio = 6;
        var newImgWidth = image.Size.Width / ratio;
        var newImgHeight = image.Size.Height / ratio;

        double displayScaling = DisplayInformation.GetForCurrentView().LogicalDpi / sender.Dpi;
        double pixelWidth = newImgWidth * displayScaling;
        double pixelHeight = newImgHeight * displayScaling;

        cl = new CanvasCommandList( sender );
        using( CanvasDrawingSession clds = cl.CreateDrawingSession() ) {
            var scaleEffect = new ScaleEffect() {
                Source = image,
                Scale = new Vector2() {
                    X = ( float ) ( pixelWidth / image.Size.Width ),
                    Y = ( float ) ( pixelHeight / image.Size.Height ),
            var blurEffect = new GaussianBlurEffect() {
                Source = scaleEffect,
                BlurAmount = 5f

            //don't now why but we need to do this in order to have the correct bounds size
            clds.DrawImage( blurEffect, 0, 0, new Rect( 0, 0, newImgWidth, newImgHeight ), 0.05f );
            //now draw the circle
            clds.FillCircle( ( float ) newImgWidth / 2, ( float ) newImgHeight / 2,
              ( float ) ( newImgWidth > newImgHeight ? newImgHeight : newImgWidth ) / 2,
              new CanvasImageBrush( sender, scaleEffect ) {
                  SourceRectangle = new Rect( 0, 0, newImgWidth, newImgHeight )
              } );
        resourcesLoaded = true;

    void canvasControl_Draw(CanvasControl sender, CanvasDrawEventArgs args) {
        if( resourcesLoaded ) {
            //cell (0,0)
            args.DrawingSession.DrawImage( cl,
                0 );
            args.DrawingSession.DrawRectangle( new Rect(
                0, 0,
                cl.GetBounds( sender ).Width, cl.GetBounds( sender ).Height ), Windows.UI.Colors.Red, 3 );
            //cell (0,1)
            args.DrawingSession.DrawImage( cl,
                ( float ) ( sender.ActualWidth - cl.GetBounds( sender ).Width ),
                ( float ) ( 0 ) );
            args.DrawingSession.DrawRectangle( new Rect(
                ( sender.ActualWidth - cl.GetBounds( sender ).Width ), 0,
                cl.GetBounds( sender ).Width, cl.GetBounds( sender ).Height ), Windows.UI.Colors.Green, 3 );
            //cell (1,0)
            args.DrawingSession.DrawImage( cl, ( float ) ( 0 ),
                ( float ) ( sender.ActualHeight - cl.GetBounds( sender ).Height ) );
            args.DrawingSession.DrawRectangle( new Rect(
                ( 0 ),
                ( sender.ActualHeight - cl.GetBounds( sender ).Height ),
                cl.GetBounds( sender ).Width, cl.GetBounds( sender ).Height ), Windows.UI.Colors.Yellow, 3 );
            //cell (1,1)
            args.DrawingSession.DrawImage( cl,
                ( float ) ( sender.ActualWidth - cl.GetBounds( sender ).Width ),
                ( float ) ( sender.ActualHeight - cl.GetBounds( sender ).Height ) );
            args.DrawingSession.DrawRectangle( new Rect(
                ( sender.ActualWidth - cl.GetBounds( sender ).Width ),
                ( sender.ActualHeight - cl.GetBounds( sender ).Height ),
                cl.GetBounds( sender ).Width, cl.GetBounds( sender ).Height ), Windows.UI.Colors.Orange, 3 );

这在 window 的每个角落正确地绘制了 4 个圆形图像,正如预期和期望的那样,我认为这可能是一个错误的唯一问题是,如果你只在 CanvasCommandList 中绘制圆形这个边界是预期的一半,为此我需要绘制所有褪色的图像只是为了确保边界正确如预期......也许有更好的解决方案但这是我找到的最好的解决方案。