如何更改时间序列见解中的 x 轴

How to change the x-axis in Time Series Insights

默认值似乎是事件进入 Azure 的时间戳;但是,我想根据不同的时间戳进行绘图。有没有办法从时间序列见解仪表板轻松更改此设置?

我知道的唯一解决方案是将 EventSource 上的时间戳 属性 设置为消息的特定日期时间 属性。这会将此 属性 映射到 $ts.


By default, event timestamp value is provided by the event source: for example, events coming from an IoT Hub would have their enqueued time as a timestamp. However, this behavior can be changed in event source configuration by specifying one of the event properties to be used as a timestamp. For more information, see Create a Time Series Insights event source. https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/rest/api/time-series-insights/ga-query-syntax#data-model

Event Source: Timestamp property name: To determine this value, you need to understand the message format of the message data sent into Event Hub. This value is the name of the specific event property in the message data that you want to use as the event timestamp. The value is case-sensitive. When left blank, the event enqueue time within the event source is used as the event timestamp. https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/time-series-insights/time-series-insights-how-to-add-an-event-source-eventhub

