`match` 能比 `rewrite` 快吗

Can `match` be faster than `rewrite`

在 Coq 中写 Ltac 时,可能会想写

try match goal with
 |- context [?x && true] => rewrite andb_true_r


try rewrite andb_true_r


但这真的更快吗?还是 rewrite 失败的速度和我手写的 match 一样快?

是的,是的!我的一项战术取得了 60% speed-up。

这是另一个 micro-benchmark 显示此行为的例子:

Require Import Coq.Bool.Bool.

Goal forall b, b = true.
(* Lets create a large goal *)
do 300 rewrite <- orb_false_r with (b := b).
Time do 300 try rewrite orb_true_r.
(* Finished transaction in 2.57 secs (2.431u,0.003s) (successful) *)
Time do 300 try lazymatch goal with |- context [_ || true] => rewrite orb_true_r end.
(* Finished transaction in 0.05 secs (0.05u,0.s) (successful) *)

基于您的 self-answer,Coq 对所使用的精确匹配策略很敏感。请注意以下策略之间的区别:

Require Import Coq.Bool.Bool.

Goal forall b, b = true.
  (* Create a large goal *)
  do 300 rewrite <- orb_false_r with (b := b).
  Time do 300 try idtac.
  (* Finished transaction in 0.001 secs (0.004u,0.s) (successful) *)
  Time do 300 try match goal with |- context [_ || true] => idtac end.
  (* Finished transaction in 0.108 secs (0.108u,0.s) (successful) *)
  Time do 300 try match goal with |- context [_ || ?b] => constr_eq b true end.
  (* Finished transaction in 3.21 secs (3.208u,0.s) (successful) *)
  Time do 300 try rewrite orb_true_r.
  (* Finished transaction in 2.862 secs (2.863u,0.s) (successful) *)

我怀疑rewrite使用的匹配策略类似于我用constr_eq写的match;它查找 orb ?a ?b 的出现,然后尝试从左到右实例化 evar,并根据需要进行句法相等性检查。显然,这会产生很大的成本。我打开了 an issue on Coq's bug tracker.

但是,这个成本可能是不可避免的,因为 rewrite 会匹配模 β,这与您的 match 不同。考虑:

Goal forall b, b || (fun x => x) true = true.
  Fail match goal with |- context [_ || true] => rewrite orb_true_r end.
  rewrite orb_true_r. (* succeeds *)

加速在 setoid_rewrite 中更为明显,它在许多情况下会重写模展开,因此可能会不必要地减少你的目标,一遍又一遍地失败。