Class 设计 - 手动铸造替代方案

Class design - manual cast alternatives

问题与下面的 类 有关。 Zookeeper1 和 Zookeeper2 是我可以使用的两个替代方案。将来我可以在 Zookeeper 中存储不同类型的动物。我应该能够得到那些 类。在第一种情况下,我将所有动物都存储在列表中(这意味着将来我可以轻松添加其他新动物),但是当我需要获取它时,我需要将 dog 与 (Dog) 一起使用。在某处读到演员表有代码味道,所以我想看看是否有其他选择?其他解决方案会阻止投射,但每次添加新动物时都会出现添加新列表的问题。

class AnimalId{}

interface Animal{
    AnimalId getAnimalId();
    void breathe();

class Cat implements Animal{
    public AnimalId getAnimalId() { return null; }
    public void breathe() {}

class Dog implements Animal{
    public AnimalId getAnimalId() { return null; }
    public void breathe() {}
    public void bark(){}

class ZooKeeper1{
    Map<AnimalId, Animal> animals = new HashMap<>();    //future-proof

    void addAnimal(Animal a){
        animals.put(a.getAnimalId(), a);

    void printAnimals(){
        animals.forEach((key, value) -> System.out.println(key));

    Dog getDog(AnimalId animalId){
        return (Dog)animals.get(animalId);  //NOK - must type-cast!

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        ZooKeeper1 zk1 = new ZooKeeper1();
        zk1.addAnimal(new Cat());
        zk1.addAnimal(new Dog());
        Dog d = zk1.getDog(new AnimalId());

class ZooKeeper2{
    Map<AnimalId, Cat> cats = new HashMap<>();
    Map<AnimalId, Dog> dogs = new HashMap<>();  //will need to add more lines in future

    void addCat(Cat c){
        cats.put(c.getAnimalId(), c);

    void addDog(Dog d){
        dogs.put(d.getAnimalId(), d); //will need to add more lines in future

    void printAnimals(){
        cats.forEach((key, value) -> System.out.println(key));
        dogs.forEach((key, value) -> System.out.println(key)); //will need to add more lines in future

    Dog getDog(AnimalId animalId){
        return dogs.get(animalId);  //OK no type-cast

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        ZooKeeper2 zk2 = new ZooKeeper2();
        zk2.addCat(new Cat());
        zk2.addDog(new Dog());
        Dog d = zk2.getDog(new AnimalId());

想象一下,我在 class Dog 一无所知的情况下写了 class ZooKeeper1 并将其传递给您。然后您决定扩展 class 并添加方法 Dog getDog(AnimalId id)


铸造并不是一个奇迹般的解决方案。唯一安全的使用方法是只转换已知类型的对象;例如,如果您将 Dog 实例存储在类型 Animal 的变量中,那么您肯定知道可以将 getAnimal(..) 的结果转换为类型 Dog

好的,所以在研究了 Java 中的异构容器之后,我猜这是目前为止我拥有的最佳选择?对此类解决方案有何评论?

interface Animal { AnimalId getId(); }
class AnimalId { int id; AnimalId(int id){ = id;} public boolean equals(Object o){ return id==((AnimalId)o).id; } public int hashCode(){ return 1; } }
class Cat implements Animal { AnimalId id; Cat(AnimalId id){;} public AnimalId getId(){ return id; } public String catSpecific(){ return "CS"; } }
class Dog implements Animal { AnimalId id; Dog(AnimalId id){;} public AnimalId getId(){ return id; } public String dogSpecific(){ return "DS"; } }

class Zoo {
    private Map<Class<? extends Animal>, Map<AnimalId, Animal>> animals = new HashMap<>();

    public <T extends Animal> void assignAnimal(T animal){
        animals.computeIfAbsent(animal.getClass(), k -> new HashMap<>()).put(animal.getId(), animal);

    public <T extends Animal> T getAnimal(Class<T> type, AnimalId animalId){
        return type.cast(animals.get(type).get(animalId));

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        Zoo zoo = new Zoo();

        AnimalId animalId = new AnimalId(1);
        Animal animal1 = new Cat(animalId);
        Animal animal2 = new Dog(animalId);


        Cat cat = zoo.getAnimal(Cat.class, animalId);
        Dog dog = zoo.getAnimal(Dog.class, animalId);
