
Communication protocol implementation in embedded C++

我一直在用 C++ 实现基于 CAN 的专有通信协议。 该协议使用具有以下结构的消息:

1       Control packet  (3 bytes header, 5 payload bytes)
0 - 124 Data packets    (2 bytes header, 6 payload bytes)
1       CRC packet      (2 bytes header, 4 payload bytes, 2 CRC bytes)

我在通信协议实现方面没有太多经验,所以我 想在这里讨论我的解决方案。我已经开始传输。

从顶层来看我决定分流执行 分成三个类。他们每个人都将实现单例设计模式。 类 个接口如下:

// Main interface for communication over CAN bus.
class Manager

      // initializes the CAN periphery (baud rate and reception filters)
      bool init(can_baudrate_e, uint16_t*);
      // creates the message, divides the message into packets and puts the 
      // packets into transmission queue, message description (type, 
      // destination node ID) and message data are stored in a structure
      bool sendMsg(app_msg_data_t*);


      // appends unique message code to informations in app_msg_data_t 
      // structure
      void buildMsg(app_msg_data_t*, msg_t*);
      // calculates needed number of packets
      uint8_t calcNoPkts(msg_t*);
      // divides the message into packets
      void appMsg2Pkts(msg_t*, uint8_t, pkt_t*);
      // creates message Control packet
      void buildAppControlPkt(msg_t*, pkt_t*, uint8_t, uint8_t);
      // creates message Data packet
      void buildAppDataPkt(msg_t*, pkt_t*, uint8_t);
      // creates message CRC packet
      void buildAppCRCPkt(msg_t*, pkt_t*, uint8_t, uint8_t);
      // transform whole message into byte array
      uint16_t getAppMsgBytes(pkt_t*, uint8_t, uint8_t*);
      // returns the data content of the message
      uint8_t* getAppMsgData(msg_t*);
      // calculates the CRC for a message (message passed as array of bytes) 
      uint16_t calcCRC(uint8_t*, uint16_t);

// Transmission buffer
class TxQueue

      // puts the packet into the transmission queue
      bool putPacket(Manager::pkt_t*);
      // retrieves the packet from the transmission queue
      bool getPacket(Manager::pkt_t*);


// Transmits the packets onto the CAN bus
class Transmitter

      // transmits one packet per call onto the CAN bus 
      bool transmit(void);

      // transforms the packet into CAN frame
      static void packet2CANFrame(Manager::pkt_t*, can_msg_t*);



我建议先阅读 Guide to Implementing Communication Protocols in C++ (for Embedded Systems) 免费 e-book。书中提到的主要概念是,嵌入式系统在未来通过不同的附加 I/O 接口(例如 wifi 或蓝牙)尝试使用相同的协议消息并不少见。因此,将应用程序消息有效负载与传输帧分开,尤其是与您的 CAN 总线打包分开是有益的。