Vee-Validate validateAll() with scope

Vee-Validate validateAll() with scope


validateScope (scope) {
  return this.$validator.validateAll(scope);

我想在将整个表单提交到服务器之前对它进行最后一次验证;但是, validateAll() 似乎没有获取已添加到范围的输入。我也试过只验证每个范围,然后在它们全部有效时提交表单,但我不确定该怎么做,因为一切都是异步的。

validateAll () {
   let valid = true;

   // Not sure how to build this function since validateScope is asynchronous
   _.each(this.names, (name, index) => {
     if(this.validateScope('name-' + index)){
       valid = false;

   return valid; // Always returns true even though the _.each should set it to false


validateAll () {
   let valid = true;

   let validations = []
   _.each(this.names, (name, index) => {
     validations.push(this.validateScope('name-' + index))

   return Promise.all(validations)
     // consolidate the results into one Boolean
     .then(results => results.every(r => r))

那么,当然,你必须使用 validateAll 作为承诺:

this.validateAll().then(isValid => {
  if (!isValid) {
    //do whatever you need to do when something failed validation
  } else {
    // do whatever you need to do when everything is valid here