'root account credentials' 和 'IAM user credentials' 之间的区别

Differences between 'root account credentials' and 'IAM user credentials'

'root account credentials'和'IAM user credentials'有什么区别?


根据描述,建议使用'IAM user credentials',但在S3中使用'IAM user credentials'无法访问



All AWS accounts have root account credentials. These credentials allow full access to all resources in the account. Because you can't control the privileges of the root account credentials, you should store them in a safe place and instead use AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) user credentials for day-to-day interaction with AWS.

With IAM, you can securely control access to AWS services and resources for users in your AWS account. For example, if you require administrator-level permissions, you can create an IAM user, grant that user full access, and then use those credentials to interact with AWS. Later, if you need to revoke or modify your permissions, you can delete or modify any policies that are associated with that IAM user.

你的第二个问题仍然悬而未决:Unable to access any S3 resource when using IAM user credentials?

您的根凭据是您注册时提供的卡和帐单详细信息所用的凭据。 IAM 用户账户是您可以为 AWS 提供的各项服务创建的用户账户。

假设这种情况,您是一家产品公司的首席执行官,您注册了 AWS,提供了您的邮件地址、卡和账单详细信息,并且您有开发人员为您工作,开发应用程序,并将它们部署在 AWS 中。您不能将您刚刚创建的 AWS 账户(您的根凭证)共享给您的开发人员或 devops 并要求他们部署应用程序。这对您来说是一个巨大的安全风险。相反,您创建 IAM 用户,附加组级策略或用户级策略并与他们共享这些 IAM 帐户。组级别和用户级别策略限制和授权各个 IAM 用户使用您的用户账户下的 AWS 服务。了解 IAM 并将其用于您的 AWS 账户非常重要。 http://docs.aws.amazon.com/IAM/latest/UserGuide/IAM_Introduction.html

IAM S3 访问:如果您授权并分配具有所需策略的 IAM 用户,它应该运行良好。您可以使用 https://policysim.aws.amazon.com/home/index.jsp 模拟 IAM 用户的策略(请先登录)。


有些事情您可以使用 Root 帐户执行,而您不能使用管理员执行。例如,您不能在 S3 存储桶上创建或删除 account wide Budgets or enable MFA delete