IgGrid 更新功能 EditMode 'row' 和 'cell'(制表符丢失焦点和验证)

IgGrid updating feature EditMode 'row' and 'cell' (tab-lost focus and validations)

我正在使用基于 jquery 的 IgGrid,我正在尝试按照以下方式设置网格:

function igGridBind() {
        dataSourceType: 'json',
        dataSource: journals,
        primaryKey: "journal_id",
        featureChooserIconDisplay: "always",
        autoGenerateColumns: false,
        autoGenerateLayouts: false,
        rowVirtualization: true,
        virtualizationMode: "continuous",
        autoCommit: true,
        width: "100%",
        height: "800px",
        columns: columns,
        features: [
        { name: "Paging", pageSize: 20 },
            name: 'Updating',
            enableAddRow: true,
            enableDeleteRow: true,
            editMode: 'row',
            columnSettings: [{
                columnKey: "journal_id",
                editorType: 'numeric',
                editorOptions: { readOnly: true }
            }, {
                columnKey: "journal_gl_id",
                editorType: 'numeric',
                editorOptions: { readOnly: true }
            }, {
                columnKey: "journal_gl_chart_id",
                editorType: 'combo',
                required: true,
                editorOptions: {
                    mode: "dropdown",
                    dataSourceType: 'json',
                    dataSource: chartCombo,
                    textKey: "chart_master_code",
                    valueKey: "chart_master_id"
            }, {
                columnKey: "journal_gl_description",
                editorType: 'string',
                validation: true,
                editorOptions: { required: true }
            }, {
                columnKey: "journal_gl_net",
                editorType: 'numeric',
                validation: false,
                editorOptions: { required: false }
            }, {
                columnKey: "journal_gl_debit",
                editorType: 'numeric',
                validation: false,
                editorOptions: { required: false }
            }, {
                columnKey: "journal_gl_credit",
                editorType: 'numeric',
                validation: false,
                editorOptions: { required: false }

var columns = [
        { headerText: "JournalID", key: "journal_id", dataType: "number", hidden: true, allowHiding: false },
        { headerText: "JournalGlID", key: "journal_gl_id", dataType: "number", hidden: true, allowHiding: false },
        { headerText: "Chart", key: "journal_gl_chart_id", dataType: "number", width: "30%", formatter: formatChartCombo },
        { headerText: "Description", key: "journal_gl_description", dataType: "string", width: "30%" },
        { headerText: "Net", key: "journal_gl_net", dataType: "number", hidden: true, allowHiding: false },
        { headerText: "Debit", key: "journal_gl_debit", dataType: "number", width: "20%" },
        { headerText: "Credit", key: "journal_gl_credit", dataType: "number", width: "20%" }

如果我使用 editMode:'row',完成和取消按钮工作并且 grid.on("iggridupdatingeditrowended",函数 (e, args) 在点击完成按钮后被调用。但是 none 的验证工作。当我使用选项卡时,焦点将进入下一列,如果它是最后一列,它将聚焦完成按钮并在单击完成后调用 rowended 方法(如预期的那样)。但是我是每次我从一栏失去焦点并转到下一栏时都会出现这些错误

另一方面,如果我使用 editMode : 'cell',则不会出现此错误,验证将起作用,事件 "keydown" 和 "keyup" 将被触发。但是,未呈现“完成”和“取消”按钮。

有谁知道是否有办法同时设置这两个功能?如果开箱即用无法实现,我将如何打开“完成”和“取消”按钮模式弹出窗口?这样我就可以在第一个焦点列中呈现,并在最后一列之后单击“完成”焦点?或者如果有人可以指出示例代码,我可以在其中遵循可自定义的 igGrid 更新功能


我的公司有 2017 版本,但我想知道哪个 jquery 版本最适合 2017 版本,如果这个 是我可以使用 2017 许可证的最新 dll?


还添加 EditMode : 'dialog' 不是一个选项,它基本上呈现一个包含所有列的模式弹出窗口,因此行受到威胁,因为它是一个表单

经过更多调查,igGrid 已被修改(语法)。我正在关注最 "complete" 文档之一 2012 Version 并且在过去几年中此语法已更改:

  • 无需添加不需要验证的列,这是新语法的实际设置:

function igGridBind() {
  dataSourceType: 'json',
  dataSource: journals,
  primaryKey: "journal_id",
  featureChooserIconDisplay: "always",
  autoGenerateColumns: false,
  autoGenerateLayouts: false,
  rowVirtualization: true,
  virtualizationMode: "continuous",
  autoCommit: true,
  width: "100%",
  height: "800px",
  columns: columns,
  features: [
  { name: "Paging", pageSize: 20 },
   name: 'Updating',
   enableAddRow: true,
   enableDeleteRow: true,
   editMode: 'row',
   columnSettings: [
     columnKey: "journal_gl_chart_id",
     editorType: 'combo',
     required: true,
     editorOptions: {
      mode: "dropdown",
      dataSourceType: 'json',
      dataSource: chartCombo,
      textKey: "chart_master_code",
      valueKey: "chart_master_id"
     columnKey: "journal_gl_description",
     editorType: 'string',
     required: true