多个参数的 GCD

GCD of multiple parameters

我的目标是在 C++ 中概括 std <algorithm> header 中可用的 __gcd()。它应该能够调用 std::vector 数组的一系列值。

通用模板 __gcd() 在直接传递参数时工作得很好。如下所示:



D:\Programming\C++\CPP Programs\My Test\My Test.cpp|33|error: no match for 'operator<<' (operand types are 'std::ostream {aka std::basic_ostream<char>}' and '__gnu_cxx::__normal_iterator<int*, std::vector<int> >')|

我不知道如何重载 operator<< 或在此模板/程序中包含重载函数。(假设错误是由于 operator<< 的重载已丢失)

namespace math

    template <typename M, typename N>
    constexpr auto GCD(const M& m, const N& n) {
        return __gcd(m, n);

    template <typename M, typename ...Rest>
    constexpr auto GCD(const M& first, const Rest&... rest) {
        return __gcd(first, GCD(rest...));

int main()
    vector<int> vec={1,2,58,54,102,2,37,13,8};
    for(auto i=0; i<vec.size()-3; ++i)
        cout<<math::GCD(vec.begin()+i, vec.begin()+i+4)<<endl;
    return 0;

谁能帮我重载 operator<< 或(如果不是这样)找出错误? 提前致谢。

我终于做到了。感谢@Incomputable 的最后评论。但是,我必须使用 math 名称将新模板(用于迭代器)与我们在问题中使用的两个模板分开。就像下面这样:

#include <iostream>
#include <vector>

template<typename T64> constexpr  T64 calcGCD(T64 a, T64 b)
    return (a==0 && b!=0) ? b: a;
        T64 t = a % b;
        b = a;
        a = t;
    return a;

template <typename Iterator> constexpr auto GCD(Iterator first, Iterator last)
    auto itrFirst = first;
    auto itrEnd   = last;
    int Size      = std::distance(itrFirst,itrEnd);
    int Result = 0;

    if(Size >=2 )
        int A       = *itrFirst;
        std::advance (itrFirst,1);
        int B       = *itrFirst;

        Result      = calcGCD(A,B);
        std::advance (itrFirst,1);

        for(int i = 2; i<Size; ++i)
            A       = *itrFirst;
            Result  = calcGCD(Result,A);
            std::advance (itrFirst,1);
    else   return *itrFirst;
    return Result;

namespace math
    template <typename M, typename N>
    constexpr auto GCD(const M& m, const N& n)
    { return calcGCD(m, n); }

    template <typename M, typename ...Rest>
    constexpr auto GCD(const M& first, const Rest&... rest)
    { return calcGCD(first, GCD(rest...));  }

int main()
    std::vector<int> vec={1,2,58,54,102,2,37,13,8};

    std::cout<<"GCD from Iterator Template     : ";
    for(unsigned int i=0; i<vec.size()-3; ++i)
      std::cout<<GCD(vec.begin()+i, vec.begin()+i+4)<<" ";


    std::cout<<"GCD from non-iterator Templates: ";
    std::cout<<math::GCD(1,2,58,54)<<" ";
    std::cout<<math::GCD(2,58,54,102)<<" ";
    std::cout<<math::GCD(58,54,102,2)<<" ";
    std::cout<<math::GCD(54,102,2,37)<<" ";
    std::cout<<math::GCD(102,2,37,13)<<" ";
    std::cout<<math::GCD(2,37,13,8)<<" ";   

    return 0;



GCD from Iterator Template     : 1 2 58 54 102 2 
GCD from non-iterator Templates: 1 2 58 54 102 2