flot:使所有 Y 轴的刻度线对齐
flot: make ticks line up for all Y axis
我有一个浮动图表,除了第一个 Y 轴外,还使用具有不同数字刻度的第二个 Y 轴。我的问题是次级刻度标签与第一个浮动轴的网格线不对齐。
Flot 似乎运行正在使用一些内部算法来决定为一个轴显示多少刻度标签。它针对每个轴分别执行此操作,从而产生了我遇到的问题。主 Y 轴算法的第一个 运行 为整个图形创建网格标记。辅助轴然后只显示它自己的 ticks/labels 而没有它们与第一个生成的网格线对齐。
如何使第二轴的刻度线与第一轴的 ticks/labels/网格线对齐?
。在我的问题中,它设置为 15,但也将其更改为 20(或任何其他会使 flot 更改网格线编号和位置的值)。
$(function() {
flotOptions = {
"xaxis" : {
"min" : 20,
"max" : 63,
"yaxes" : [ {
"position" : "left",
"min" : 0,
"max" : 15
}, {
"position" : "right",
"min" : 0,
"max" : 75,
} ],
"colors" : [ "#EAA433", "#32A2FA"],
flotData = [
"data" : [ [ 20.61, 12.52 ], [ 27.82, 12.35 ], [ 35.04, 11.89 ], [ 42.25, 11.19 ], [ 49.47, 10.28 ], [ 56.68, 9.176 ], [ 62.09, 8.246 ], [ 61.84, 8.289 ] ],
"yaxis" : 1
"data" : [ [ 20.61, 59.37 ], [ 27.82, 66.57 ], [ 35.04, 70.58 ], [ 42.25, 71.79 ], [ 49.47, 70.59 ], [ 56.68, 67.36 ], [ 62.09, 63.83 ], [ 61.84, 64.00 ] ],
"yaxis" : 2,
"data" : [ [ 20.61, 20.61 ], [ 28.85, 28.85 ], [ 37.10, 37.10 ], [ 45.34, 45.34 ],[ 53.59, 53.59 ], [ 61.83, 61.83 ] ],
} ];
var plot = $.plot($("#placeholder"), flotData, flotOptions);
<script src="http://www.flotcharts.org/flot/jquery.js"></script>
<script src="http://www.flotcharts.org/flot/jquery.flot.js"></script>
<h1>Flot Examples</h1>
<div id="placeholder" style="width:600px;height:300px;"></div>
Flot 允许您显式指定刻度,但我看不出有什么方法可以计算它工作所需的间隙。即,用这个硬编码的 ticks
代码替换上面的第二个 Y_axis 块:
"position" : "right",
"min" : 0,
"max" : 75,
"ticks": [0, 8.1, 16.3, 24.4, 32.6, 40.7, 48.9, 57.1, 65.2, 73.3]
报价将排成一行。然后问题变成 如何计算显式刻度线
使用 alignTicksWithAxis
选项将轴 2 上的刻度与轴 1 上的刻度对齐:
"yaxes" : [ {
"position" : "left",
"min" : 0,
"max" : 15
}, {
"position" : "right",
"min" : 0,
"max" : 75,
"alignTicksWithAxis" : 1
} ],
有关详细信息,请参阅 Documentation(在 "Customizing the axes" 章节的末尾)。
$(function() {
flotOptions = {
"xaxis" : {
"min" : 20,
"max" : 63,
"yaxes" : [ {
"position" : "left",
"min" : 0,
"max" : 15
}, {
"position" : "right",
"min" : 0,
"max" : 75,
"alignTicksWithAxis" : 1
} ],
"colors" : [ "#EAA433", "#32A2FA"],
flotData = [
"data" : [ [ 20.61, 12.52 ], [ 27.82, 12.35 ], [ 35.04, 11.89 ], [ 42.25, 11.19 ], [ 49.47, 10.28 ], [ 56.68, 9.176 ], [ 62.09, 8.246 ], [ 61.84, 8.289 ] ],
"yaxis" : 1
"data" : [ [ 20.61, 59.37 ], [ 27.82, 66.57 ], [ 35.04, 70.58 ], [ 42.25, 71.79 ], [ 49.47, 70.59 ], [ 56.68, 67.36 ], [ 62.09, 63.83 ], [ 61.84, 64.00 ] ],
"yaxis" : 2,
"data" : [ [ 20.61, 20.61 ], [ 28.85, 28.85 ], [ 37.10, 37.10 ], [ 45.34, 45.34 ],[ 53.59, 53.59 ], [ 61.83, 61.83 ] ],
} ];
var plot = $.plot($("#placeholder"), flotData, flotOptions);
<script src="http://www.flotcharts.org/flot/jquery.js"></script>
<script src="http://www.flotcharts.org/flot/jquery.flot.js"></script>
<h1>Flot Examples</h1>
<div id="placeholder" style="width:600px;height:300px;"></div>
我有一个浮动图表,除了第一个 Y 轴外,还使用具有不同数字刻度的第二个 Y 轴。我的问题是次级刻度标签与第一个浮动轴的网格线不对齐。
Flot 似乎运行正在使用一些内部算法来决定为一个轴显示多少刻度标签。它针对每个轴分别执行此操作,从而产生了我遇到的问题。主 Y 轴算法的第一个 运行 为整个图形创建网格标记。辅助轴然后只显示它自己的 ticks/labels 而没有它们与第一个生成的网格线对齐。
如何使第二轴的刻度线与第一轴的 ticks/labels/网格线对齐?
。在我的问题中,它设置为 15,但也将其更改为 20(或任何其他会使 flot 更改网格线编号和位置的值)。
$(function() {
flotOptions = {
"xaxis" : {
"min" : 20,
"max" : 63,
"yaxes" : [ {
"position" : "left",
"min" : 0,
"max" : 15
}, {
"position" : "right",
"min" : 0,
"max" : 75,
} ],
"colors" : [ "#EAA433", "#32A2FA"],
flotData = [
"data" : [ [ 20.61, 12.52 ], [ 27.82, 12.35 ], [ 35.04, 11.89 ], [ 42.25, 11.19 ], [ 49.47, 10.28 ], [ 56.68, 9.176 ], [ 62.09, 8.246 ], [ 61.84, 8.289 ] ],
"yaxis" : 1
"data" : [ [ 20.61, 59.37 ], [ 27.82, 66.57 ], [ 35.04, 70.58 ], [ 42.25, 71.79 ], [ 49.47, 70.59 ], [ 56.68, 67.36 ], [ 62.09, 63.83 ], [ 61.84, 64.00 ] ],
"yaxis" : 2,
"data" : [ [ 20.61, 20.61 ], [ 28.85, 28.85 ], [ 37.10, 37.10 ], [ 45.34, 45.34 ],[ 53.59, 53.59 ], [ 61.83, 61.83 ] ],
} ];
var plot = $.plot($("#placeholder"), flotData, flotOptions);
<script src="http://www.flotcharts.org/flot/jquery.js"></script>
<script src="http://www.flotcharts.org/flot/jquery.flot.js"></script>
<h1>Flot Examples</h1>
<div id="placeholder" style="width:600px;height:300px;"></div>
Flot 允许您显式指定刻度,但我看不出有什么方法可以计算它工作所需的间隙。即,用这个硬编码的 ticks
代码替换上面的第二个 Y_axis 块:
"position" : "right",
"min" : 0,
"max" : 75,
"ticks": [0, 8.1, 16.3, 24.4, 32.6, 40.7, 48.9, 57.1, 65.2, 73.3]
报价将排成一行。然后问题变成 如何计算显式刻度线
使用 alignTicksWithAxis
选项将轴 2 上的刻度与轴 1 上的刻度对齐:
"yaxes" : [ {
"position" : "left",
"min" : 0,
"max" : 15
}, {
"position" : "right",
"min" : 0,
"max" : 75,
"alignTicksWithAxis" : 1
} ],
有关详细信息,请参阅 Documentation(在 "Customizing the axes" 章节的末尾)。
$(function() {
flotOptions = {
"xaxis" : {
"min" : 20,
"max" : 63,
"yaxes" : [ {
"position" : "left",
"min" : 0,
"max" : 15
}, {
"position" : "right",
"min" : 0,
"max" : 75,
"alignTicksWithAxis" : 1
} ],
"colors" : [ "#EAA433", "#32A2FA"],
flotData = [
"data" : [ [ 20.61, 12.52 ], [ 27.82, 12.35 ], [ 35.04, 11.89 ], [ 42.25, 11.19 ], [ 49.47, 10.28 ], [ 56.68, 9.176 ], [ 62.09, 8.246 ], [ 61.84, 8.289 ] ],
"yaxis" : 1
"data" : [ [ 20.61, 59.37 ], [ 27.82, 66.57 ], [ 35.04, 70.58 ], [ 42.25, 71.79 ], [ 49.47, 70.59 ], [ 56.68, 67.36 ], [ 62.09, 63.83 ], [ 61.84, 64.00 ] ],
"yaxis" : 2,
"data" : [ [ 20.61, 20.61 ], [ 28.85, 28.85 ], [ 37.10, 37.10 ], [ 45.34, 45.34 ],[ 53.59, 53.59 ], [ 61.83, 61.83 ] ],
} ];
var plot = $.plot($("#placeholder"), flotData, flotOptions);
<script src="http://www.flotcharts.org/flot/jquery.js"></script>
<script src="http://www.flotcharts.org/flot/jquery.flot.js"></script>
<h1>Flot Examples</h1>
<div id="placeholder" style="width:600px;height:300px;"></div>