how to point to the next node in linked list and print the value
我试图将值存储在 C++ 的链表中并打印它们。但我不知道我是否正在编写正确的代码。当我创建一个新的节点插入值打印时,这有效但是。但是当我最后使用临时打印时,所有值都不起作用
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
struct node
int val;
node *next;
int main()
node *temp = new node(); //creating the first node
node *head, *tail;
temp->val= 1; //assigning value to the first node
head = temp; //head contains the address of 1st node
cout<< "head value" <<head << endl;
cout << "head value" << temp << endl;
cout<< "1st value" << temp->val << endl;
cout << "=================================================" << endl;
//============================================second node
temp = temp->next;
temp = new node();
temp->val = 2;
cout << "head value" << head << endl;
cout << "head value" << temp << endl;
cout << "2rd value" << temp->val << endl;
cout << "=================================================" << endl;
//============================================third node
temp = temp->next;
temp = new node();
temp->val = 3;
cout << "head value" << head << endl;
cout << "head value" << temp << endl;
cout << "3rd value" << temp->val << endl;
tail = temp;
temp->next = NULL;
cout<< "=================================================" << endl;
cout<< "value in head" << head->val << endl;
cout << "=================================================" << endl;
cout<< "the value temp is reset to head which is the location of first node" << endl;
cout << "=================================================" << endl;
//temp = NULL;
temp = head; //add of first node is stored in temp
cout<< "the value of head " << head << endl;
cout<< "the value of temp " << temp << endl;
//Problem from this ............................................................
//temp->next = head->next;
cout << "the value of head " << head->next << endl;
cout << "the value of temp " << temp->next << endl;
cout<< "value in head + 1 " << temp->val << endl;
return 0;
output photo
temp = temp->next;
使 temp
指向与 temp->next
temp = new node();
// At this point `temp` is pointing to the last node in the list
// Create a new node and link it into the list
temp->next = new node; // Allocate a new `node` and link it into the list
temp = temp->next; // Make `temp` point to the new node
temp->val = ...; // Set the new value
temp = temp->next;
temp = new node();
您可以使用 node **
类型的变量 temp
#include <iostream>
#include <cstdlib>
using namespace std;
struct node
int val;
node *next;
int main()
node *head, *tail;
node **temp = &head;
*temp = new node(); //creating the first node
( *temp )->val= 1; //assigning value to the first node
cout<< "head value" <<head << endl;
cout << "head value" << *temp << endl;
cout<< "1st value" << ( *temp )->val << endl;
cout << "=================================================" << endl;
//============================================second node
temp = &( *temp )->next;
*temp = new node();
( *temp )->val = 2;
cout << "head value" << head << endl;
cout << "head value" << *temp << endl;
cout << "2rd value" << ( *temp )->val << endl;
cout << "=================================================" << endl;
//============================================third node
temp = &( *temp )->next;
*temp = new node();
( *temp )->val = 3;
cout << "head value" << head << endl;
cout << "head value" << *temp << endl;
cout << "3rd value" << ( *temp )->val << endl;
tail = *temp;
( *temp )->next = NULL;
cout<< "=================================================" << endl;
cout<< "value in head" << head->val << endl;
cout << "=================================================" << endl;
cout<< "the value temp is reset to head which is the location of first node" << endl;
cout << "=================================================" << endl;
//temp = NULL;
temp = &head; //add of first node is stored in temp
cout<< "the value of head " << head << endl;
cout<< "the value of temp " << *temp << endl;
//Problem from this ............................................................
//temp->next = head->next;
cout << "the value of head " << head->next << endl;
cout << "the value of temp " << ( *temp )->next << endl;
cout<< "value in head + 1 " << ( *temp )->next->val << endl;
return 0;
head value0x55ab880e8c20
head value0x55ab880e8c20
1st value1
head value0x55ab880e8c20
head value0x55ab880e9c50
2rd value2
head value0x55ab880e8c20
head value0x55ab880e9c70
3rd value3
value in head1
the value temp is reset to head which is the location of first node
the value of head 0x55ab880e8c20
the value of temp 0x55ab880e8c20
the value of head 0x55ab880e9c50
the value of temp 0x55ab880e9c50
value in head + 1 2
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
struct node
int val;
node *next;
int main()
node *temp, *head, *tail;
temp = new node(); //creation of first node structure
temp->val = 1; //value of 1st node
head = temp; //assigning the temp address to head
cout<< "the add of head "<<head << endl;
cout<< "the add of temp "<< temp << endl;
cout<< "the value in 1st node is "<< temp->val << endl;
cout<< "=================================================" << endl;
temp->next = new node(); //creation of second node structure
temp = temp->next; //over writing the first address of temp with the
//address of second node
temp->val = 2;
cout << "the add of head " << head << endl;
cout << "the add of temp " << temp << endl;
cout << "the value in 2nd node is " << temp->val << endl;
cout << "=================================================" << endl;
temp->next = new node(); //creation of third node structure
temp = temp->next; //over writing the second address of temp with the
//address of third node
temp->val = 3;
cout << "the add of head " << head << endl;
cout << "the add of temp " << temp << endl;
cout << "the value in 3nd node is " << temp->val << endl;
cout << "=================================================" << endl;
temp->next = NULL; //the last node pointer pointers to null
temp = head; //temp is assigned the value of head which is
//the address of 1st node
cout << "the add of head " << head << endl;
cout << "the add of temp " << temp << endl;
cout << "the value in 1st node is " << temp->val << endl;
cout << "=================================================" << endl;
temp = temp->next; //the address of second node is assigned to temp
cout << "the add of head " << head << endl;
cout << "the add of temp " << temp << endl;
cout << "the value in 2nd node is " << temp->val << endl;
cout << "=================================================" << endl;
temp = temp->next; //the address of third node is assigned to temp
cout << "the add of head " << head << endl;
cout << "the add of temp " << temp << endl;
cout << "the value in 3nd node is " << temp->val << endl;
cout << "=================================================" << endl;
return 0;
我试图将值存储在 C++ 的链表中并打印它们。但我不知道我是否正在编写正确的代码。当我创建一个新的节点插入值打印时,这有效但是。但是当我最后使用临时打印时,所有值都不起作用
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
struct node
int val;
node *next;
int main()
node *temp = new node(); //creating the first node
node *head, *tail;
temp->val= 1; //assigning value to the first node
head = temp; //head contains the address of 1st node
cout<< "head value" <<head << endl;
cout << "head value" << temp << endl;
cout<< "1st value" << temp->val << endl;
cout << "=================================================" << endl;
//============================================second node
temp = temp->next;
temp = new node();
temp->val = 2;
cout << "head value" << head << endl;
cout << "head value" << temp << endl;
cout << "2rd value" << temp->val << endl;
cout << "=================================================" << endl;
//============================================third node
temp = temp->next;
temp = new node();
temp->val = 3;
cout << "head value" << head << endl;
cout << "head value" << temp << endl;
cout << "3rd value" << temp->val << endl;
tail = temp;
temp->next = NULL;
cout<< "=================================================" << endl;
cout<< "value in head" << head->val << endl;
cout << "=================================================" << endl;
cout<< "the value temp is reset to head which is the location of first node" << endl;
cout << "=================================================" << endl;
//temp = NULL;
temp = head; //add of first node is stored in temp
cout<< "the value of head " << head << endl;
cout<< "the value of temp " << temp << endl;
//Problem from this ............................................................
//temp->next = head->next;
cout << "the value of head " << head->next << endl;
cout << "the value of temp " << temp->next << endl;
cout<< "value in head + 1 " << temp->val << endl;
return 0;
output photo
temp = temp->next;
使 temp
指向与 temp->next
temp = new node();
// At this point `temp` is pointing to the last node in the list
// Create a new node and link it into the list
temp->next = new node; // Allocate a new `node` and link it into the list
temp = temp->next; // Make `temp` point to the new node
temp->val = ...; // Set the new value
temp = temp->next;
temp = new node();
您可以使用 node **
#include <iostream>
#include <cstdlib>
using namespace std;
struct node
int val;
node *next;
int main()
node *head, *tail;
node **temp = &head;
*temp = new node(); //creating the first node
( *temp )->val= 1; //assigning value to the first node
cout<< "head value" <<head << endl;
cout << "head value" << *temp << endl;
cout<< "1st value" << ( *temp )->val << endl;
cout << "=================================================" << endl;
//============================================second node
temp = &( *temp )->next;
*temp = new node();
( *temp )->val = 2;
cout << "head value" << head << endl;
cout << "head value" << *temp << endl;
cout << "2rd value" << ( *temp )->val << endl;
cout << "=================================================" << endl;
//============================================third node
temp = &( *temp )->next;
*temp = new node();
( *temp )->val = 3;
cout << "head value" << head << endl;
cout << "head value" << *temp << endl;
cout << "3rd value" << ( *temp )->val << endl;
tail = *temp;
( *temp )->next = NULL;
cout<< "=================================================" << endl;
cout<< "value in head" << head->val << endl;
cout << "=================================================" << endl;
cout<< "the value temp is reset to head which is the location of first node" << endl;
cout << "=================================================" << endl;
//temp = NULL;
temp = &head; //add of first node is stored in temp
cout<< "the value of head " << head << endl;
cout<< "the value of temp " << *temp << endl;
//Problem from this ............................................................
//temp->next = head->next;
cout << "the value of head " << head->next << endl;
cout << "the value of temp " << ( *temp )->next << endl;
cout<< "value in head + 1 " << ( *temp )->next->val << endl;
return 0;
head value0x55ab880e8c20
head value0x55ab880e8c20
1st value1
head value0x55ab880e8c20
head value0x55ab880e9c50
2rd value2
head value0x55ab880e8c20
head value0x55ab880e9c70
3rd value3
value in head1
the value temp is reset to head which is the location of first node
the value of head 0x55ab880e8c20
the value of temp 0x55ab880e8c20
the value of head 0x55ab880e9c50
the value of temp 0x55ab880e9c50
value in head + 1 2
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
struct node
int val;
node *next;
int main()
node *temp, *head, *tail;
temp = new node(); //creation of first node structure
temp->val = 1; //value of 1st node
head = temp; //assigning the temp address to head
cout<< "the add of head "<<head << endl;
cout<< "the add of temp "<< temp << endl;
cout<< "the value in 1st node is "<< temp->val << endl;
cout<< "=================================================" << endl;
temp->next = new node(); //creation of second node structure
temp = temp->next; //over writing the first address of temp with the
//address of second node
temp->val = 2;
cout << "the add of head " << head << endl;
cout << "the add of temp " << temp << endl;
cout << "the value in 2nd node is " << temp->val << endl;
cout << "=================================================" << endl;
temp->next = new node(); //creation of third node structure
temp = temp->next; //over writing the second address of temp with the
//address of third node
temp->val = 3;
cout << "the add of head " << head << endl;
cout << "the add of temp " << temp << endl;
cout << "the value in 3nd node is " << temp->val << endl;
cout << "=================================================" << endl;
temp->next = NULL; //the last node pointer pointers to null
temp = head; //temp is assigned the value of head which is
//the address of 1st node
cout << "the add of head " << head << endl;
cout << "the add of temp " << temp << endl;
cout << "the value in 1st node is " << temp->val << endl;
cout << "=================================================" << endl;
temp = temp->next; //the address of second node is assigned to temp
cout << "the add of head " << head << endl;
cout << "the add of temp " << temp << endl;
cout << "the value in 2nd node is " << temp->val << endl;
cout << "=================================================" << endl;
temp = temp->next; //the address of third node is assigned to temp
cout << "the add of head " << head << endl;
cout << "the add of temp " << temp << endl;
cout << "the value in 3nd node is " << temp->val << endl;
cout << "=================================================" << endl;
return 0;