使用 vpc-endpoint 访问 aws s3

Aws s3 access using vpc-endpoint

假设我在 region1 中创建了一个 vpc 和一个 vpc-endpoint。

我可以使用此 vpc 端点与 s3-bucket-in-region2 通信吗,即不使用互联网?

不,VPC 端点不支持跨区域请求。您的存储桶需要与 VPC 位于同一区域。

Endpoints for Amazon S3

Endpoints currently do not support cross-region requests—ensure that you create your endpoint in the same region as your bucket. You can find the location of your bucket by using the Amazon S3 console, or by using the get-bucket-location command. Use a region-specific Amazon S3 endpoint to access your bucket; for example, mybucket.s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com. For more information about region-specific endpoints for Amazon S3, see Amazon Simple Storage Service (S3) in Amazon Web Services General Reference.