将水平线添加到 R 中 plotly 中的 hoverinfo 文本

Add horizontal line to hoverinfo text in plotly in R

有没有办法在 plotly hoverinfo 框上添加一条水平线?我想要一些看起来有点像的东西(线条,而不是盒子的其余部分),这是通过传单获得的。

我认为可以简单地添加 html 标签 <hr> 但它不起作用。

这是一个 RE,它也显示了我的尝试:

dd <- data.frame(
  xx = rnorm(10),
  yy = rnorm(10),
  ff = as.factor(c("a","b","c","a","b","c","a","a","b","c")),
  ss = round(runif(10, 100,1000))

pp <- plot_ly(data = dd,
              x = ~xx,
              y = ~yy,
              hoverinfo = 'text',
              text = ~paste(ff,
                            "</br>value:", ss,
add_markers(pp,mode = "markers")

如下图所示,标签 <br> 被理解,但 <hr> 不被理解。


从这个help page开始,plotly只支持部分HTML标签:

Plotly uses a subset of HTML tags to do things like newline (<br>), bold (<b></b>), italics (<i>), and hyperlinks (<a href=’…’></a>). Tags <em>, <sup>, and <sub> are also supported.

你可以edit the plotly.js file to add the missing tags. See var TAG_STYLES in the source code.

我考虑过using LaTeX, but unfortunately, LaTex typesetting is currently broken