无法让 CoffeeScript 识别 js 文件中的函数

Can't get CoffeeScript to recognize a function in a js file

我正在用 Coffeescript 编写一个简单的应用程序来控制飞利浦 Hue 灯。我已将 this module 包含到我的项目中。在我尝试使用 setLightState 设置灯的颜色之前,下面的代码似乎工作正常。编译器说该函数不是函数。不太明白为什么不识别函数

# Connect with Philips Hue bridge
jsHue = require 'jshue'
hue = jsHue()

# Get the IP address of any bridges on the network
hueBridgeIPAddress = hue.discover().then((bridges) => 
    if bridges.length is 0
        console.log 'No bridges found. :('
        (b.internalipaddress for b in bridges)
).catch((e) => console.log 'Error finding bridges', e)

if hueBridgeIPAddress.length isnt 0 # if there is at least 1 bridge
    bridge = hue.bridge(hueBridgeIPAddress[0])  #get the first bridge in the list

    # Create a user on that bridge (may need to press the reset button on the bridge before starting the tech buck)
    user = bridge.createUser('myApp#testdevice').then((data) =>
        username = data[0].success.username
        console.log 'New username:', username

    if user?
        #assuming a user was sucessfully created set the lighting to white
        user.setLightState(1, {on:true, sat:0, bri:100, hue:65280}).then((data) =>
            # process response data, do other things

正如您在 github page of the jshue lib 上看到的那样,bridge.createUser 而不是 直接 return 一个 user 对象。

相反,示例代码在 returned promisethen 函数中设置 user 变量

bridge.createUser('myApp#testdevice').then(data => {
    // extract bridge-generated username from returned data
    var username = data[0].success.username;

    // instantiate user object with username
    var user = bridge.user(username);
    user.setLightState( .... )

可以预期 - 使用这种方法 - user 变量将被正确设置并且 user.setLightState 将被定义。


this Codepen为例:

url = "https://api.ipify.org?format=json"

outside = axios.get(url).then (response) =>
  inside = response.data.ip
  console.log "inside: #{inside}"

console.log "outside: #{outside}"


outside: [object Promise]


  1. outside 日志是第一个 并且是一个Promise 对象
  2. inside 日志最后 并包含来自 Ajax 调用的实际对象(在本例中为您的 IP)
  3. then 函数隐式 returning inside 不会改变任何东西