
Measuring relational inheritance distance between types

有谁知道我如何(或者如果有现有算法)测量两个 .NET 类型之间的关系距离?

我指的是从对象 A 到对象 B 所需的层次结构树中 'steps' 的数量。

例如,如果对象A是一个Button,对象B是一个LinkBut​​ton,那么会有2个步骤,Button -> WebControl -> LinkBut​​ton。我是否需要创建自己的静态继承树并使用路径查找算法,或者是否有一种方法可以动态查看 .NET 的继承结构以计算两个对象之间的距离?

您可以使用 Type.BaseType 遍历继承路径。例如:

 public static int GetTypeDistance<T, B>(T t, B baseType)
        if (t is B) // checking if t inherits baseType
            int distance = 0;
            Type curType = t.GetType();

            while (curType != typeof(B) && curType != null)
                curType = curType.BaseType;                  
            return distance;
        else { throw new Exception("..."); }            

非通用方式(您也不必明确指定 parent/child):

private static int CalulateDistanceOneWay(Type firstType, Type secondType)
  var chain = new List<Type>();
  while (firstType != typeof(object))
    firstType = firstType.BaseType;

  return chain.IndexOf(secondType);

// returns -1 for invalid input, distance between types otherwise
public static int CalculateDistance(Type firstType, Type secondType)
  int result = CalulateDistanceOneWay(firstType, secondType);
  if (result >= 0)
    return result;

  return CalulateDistanceOneWay(secondType, firstType);


public class DistanceResult
  public Type SharedAncestor { get; private set; }
  public int FirstTypeDistance { get; private set; }
  public int SecondTypeDistance { get; private set; }

  public DistanceResult(Type sharedAncestor, int firstTypeDistance, int secondTypeDistance)
    SharedAncestor = sharedAncestor;
    FirstTypeDistance = firstTypeDistance;
    SecondTypeDistance = secondTypeDistance;

static DistanceResult CalculateDistance(Type firstType, Type secondType)
  var firstChain = new List<Type>();
  while (firstType != typeof(object))
    firstType = firstType.BaseType;

  var secondChain = new List<Type>();
  while(secondType != typeof(object))
    secondType = secondType.BaseType;

  for(var i = 0; i < secondChain.Count; i++)
    var type = secondChain[i];
    int index = firstChain.IndexOf(type);
    if (index >= 0)
      return new DistanceResult(firstChain[index], index, i);

  return null;

根据 Ondrej 和 Bényi 的回答,这里有两种扩展方法来计算从特定类型到它的(间接)基础 class 类型或它实现的接口之一或其中之一的距离它的基数 classes.


Assert.AreEqual( 4, typeof( MultiDictionary<int, int> ).DistanceTo<IEnumerable>() );
Assert.AreEqual( 4, typeof( MultiDictionary<int, int> ).DistanceTo( typeof( IEnumerable ) );
Assert.AreEqual( 2, typeof( StringReader ).DistanceTo( typeof( IDisposable ) ) );


public static class ExtensionsForType
    public static int DistanceTo( [CanBeNull] this Type current, [NotNull] Type target )
        Contract.Requires<ArgumentNullException>( target != null );

        // `root` will point to the topmost type which is implementing
        // our `target` interface
        Type root = current;

        // search for topmost base type implementing `target` interface type
        // or for the `target` base class type itself
        int distance = 0;
        while ( current != null && ( target.IsInterface
            ? current.GetInterfaces().Contains( target )
            : current != target ) )
            root = current;
            current = current.BaseType;

        // probably the `current` type does not even derive from / implement
        // the target type at all
        if ( current == null ) return -1;

        // if it's not an interface then we've found it in one of the base classes
        if ( !target.IsInterface ) return distance;

        // go one step back, because 'current' does not implement
        // our target interface anymore

        // iterate interface "derivations" while the target interface is still
        // in the list of implemented interfaces
        Type[] interfaces = root.GetInterfaces();
        while ( interfaces.Contains( target ) )
            interfaces = interfaces.SelectMany( i => i.GetInterfaces() ).ToArray();

        return distance;

    public static int DistanceTo<T>( [CanBeNull] this Type current )
        return current.DistanceTo( typeof( T ) );