jenkins 工作流插件 'unarchive' 的语法是什么?

what is the syntax of 'unarchive' of the jenkins workflow plugin?

我在 tutorial of the Jenkins workflow plugin 中看到 unarchive 的多种用法。 但是我找不到任何关于它的语法和选项的文档。

有一个usage blurb in the snippet generator:

May take a mapping parameter which is a map from artifact names (files, directories ending in /, or any other Ant patternsets), to workspace destination names.

For example to copy one file: unarchive mapping: ['target/my.war': 'here.war']

To copy a whole directory: unarchive mapping: ['dir/' : '.']

1.10 开始,此步骤已弃用。您现在应该使用语法更简单的 stashunstash