为什么 Enum.GetValues 比迭代更好?

Why is Enum.GetValues better than iterating?


By the way, incrementing the value is not a good way to enumerate the values of an enum. You should do this instead.

I would use Enum.GetValues(typeof(Suit)) instead.

为什么? GetValues 比迭代有何优势?


您所指的答案的海报建议使用 GetNames 遍历枚举的 names。但是他说,当谈到 时,枚举超过 GetValues 比递增更好。


正如@knittl 所述:

Because you can have "holes" in your enum. Consider enum E { A = 1, B = 2, C = 4 }. Incrementing will yield A, B, 3, C enumerating over all values will yield A, B, C

感谢@Andrei 指出:

enum might be defined with any values. Even with chars. So incrementing might give you a lot of stuff that is no in the enum. GetValues is guaranteed to return only relevant values though