
Replace many ranges in a string

我需要将一个字符串替换成T9字母。例如:"hello" 将变为“32445”


dim tword = word    
tWord = Regex.Replace(tWord, "[abc]","1")
tWord = Regex.Replace(tWord, "[def]","2")
tWord = Regex.Replace(tWord, "[ghi]","3")
tWord = Regex.Replace(tWord, "[jkl]","4")
tWord = Regex.Replace(tWord, "[mno]","5")
tWord = Regex.Replace(tWord, "[pqrs]","6")
tWord = Regex.Replace(tWord, "[tuv]","7")
tWord = Regex.Replace(tWord, "[wxyz]", "8")
RTextBox.Text = RTextBox.Text.Replace(word, tWord)


'This is a one-time setup for the map
Dim map As New Dictionary(Of Char, Char)

map.Add("a"c, "1"c)
map.Add("b"c, "1"c)
map.Add("c"c, "1"c)
map.Add("d"c, "2"c)
'TODO add all other characters that you want to map


Dim buffer As New StringBuilder(word.Length)
Dim chr As Char

For i As Integer = 0 To word.Length - 1
    'If the character appears in the map, use its mapped value
    If map.TryGetValue(word(i), chr) Then
        'If a character is not found, simply output the input
        'character (modify this behavior as needed)
    End If
Next i

Dim result = buffer.ToString()


Dim result As String = Regex.Replace(word, "[a-z]",
    Function(m) "11122233344455566667778888"(Asc(m.Value) - Asc("a"c)))

使用 Regex.Replace overload whose third parameter is MatchEvaluator 允许您任意替换的功能。
每个包含匹配字符串的 Match 对象(在本例中只包含一个匹配的字母)被传递给 MatchEvaluator

MatchEvaluator 函数中,

  • m是一个Match对象,m.Value表示匹配的字符串。
  • Asc(m.Value) - Asc("a"c) 将字母表转换为索引 0-25。
  • "11122233344455566667778888"(index) 正在调用 String.Chars 这是Stringclass的默认属性,即将索引转为数字