Python: 如何查找列表中特定数量的项目是否相同?

Python: How to find whether a specific number of items in a list are identical?

我正在尝试创建一个扑克游戏,并且我有一个值列表,可以是列表中从 A 到 K 的任何值(名为 "number")。为了确定玩家是否有 "Four of a Kind",程序需要检查值列表中的四个项目是否相同。 我不知道该怎么做。您会以某种方式使用 number[0] == any in number 函数四次,还是完全不同?

假设您的 number 变量是一个包含 5 个元素(五张牌)的列表,您可以尝试类似的方法:

from collections import Counter
numbers = [1,4,5,5,6]
c = Counter(numbers)

这利用了 awesome Counter class。 :)


# 0 is to get the most common, 1 is to get the number
max_occurrencies = c.most_common()[0][1]   
# this will result in max_occurrencies=2 (two fives)


card, max_occurrencies = c.most_common()[0]
# this will result in card=5, max_occurrencies=2 (two fives)

您还将这些计数存储在 collections.defaultdict 中,并检查最大出现次数是否等于您的特定项目数:

from collections import defaultdict

def check_cards(hand, count):
    d = defaultdict(int)

    for card in hand:
        rank = card[0]
        d[rank] += 1

    return max(d.values()) == count:


>>> check_cards(['AS', 'AC', 'AD', 'AH', 'QS'], 4) # 4 Aces
>>> check_cards(['AS', 'AC', 'AD', '2H', 'QS'], 4) # Only 3 Aces

更好的是 collections.Counter(), as shown in 答案:

from collections import Counter
from operator import itemgetter

def check_cards(hand, count):
    return max(Counter(map(itemgetter(0), hand)).values()) == count