
R how to respectively add regression lines for two groups of points in two-y-axis plot using the plotrix package

我已经使用 plotrix 包创建了一个双 y 轴图来显示两组点,下一步是分别为这两组点添加回归线。但我不知道如何处理这种情况。有什么建议么?提前致谢!

创建两个 y 轴图的示例代码:


xval1 <- seq.Date(as.Date("2017-01-02"),
                  as.Date("2017-01-10"), by="day")
xval2 <- seq.Date(as.Date("2017-01-01"),
                  as.Date("2017-01-15"), by="day")
going_up <- seq(3,7,by=0.5)+rnorm(9)
going_down <- rev(60:74)+rnorm(15)
twoord.plot(2:10, going_up,1:15, going_down, xlab="Sequence", type = 'p',
            ylab = "Ascending values",rylab="Descending values",lcol=4)

这是一个棘手的机器人,因为 twoord.plot 的帮助表明将相对于左纵坐标绘制对绘图的任何进一步添加:

Note that more values can be added to the plot using points or lines, but remember that these will be plotted relative to the left ordinate.


df1 <- data.frame(y = going_up, x = 2:10)
res1 <- lm(y ~ x, df1) #fit
pred1 <- predict(res1, df1) #generate point for plotting


df2 <- data.frame(y = going_down, x = 1:15)
res2 <- lm(y ~ x, df2)
pred2 <- predict(res2, df2)

现在,由于 pred2 的比例与 pred1 完全不同,我们需要将其缩放到 pred1 的范围内,可以使用 scales 中的 rescale。我填充定义两个缩放范围:

pred2 <- scales::rescale(pred2, to = c(2, 8), from = c(58, 76))

我还将使用这些范围作为参数 rylimlylim in twoord.plot:

twoord.plot(2:10, going_up, 1:15, going_down, xlab = "Sequence", type = 'p',
            ylab = "Ascending values", rylab = "Descending values", lcol = 4, rylim = c(58, 76), lylim = c(2, 8))
lines(2:10, pred1, col = "blue")
lines(1:15, pred2, col = "red")

检查它是否与我们绘制 pred2 时相似:

pred2 <- predict(res2, df2)
plot(1:15, going_down)
lines(1:15, pred2)