找不到 docker 个机密文件夹(“/run/secrets”)

Can't find docker secrets' folder ('/run/secrets')


我选择了3 Managers and 2 Workers的模板:

我去了 manager1 并创建了一个秘密:

echo "mydatabasepassword" | docker secret create db_pass -


我想查看 secrets 文件夹,但它不存在:


根据 Bret Fisher 的回答,这里有一个例子:


根据 docs:

When you grant a newly-created or running service access to a secret, the decrypted secret is mounted into the container in an in-memory filesystem. The location of the mount point within the container defaults to /run/secrets/ in Linux containers

The secrets are stored in the encrypted Raft logs for the swarm.

(要了解有关加密 Raft 日志的更多信息,请参阅 here。)

秘密存储在管理器主机上的加密 raft 数据库中,因此您无法从主机查看它们。要在容器中查看它们,您需要在 docker 服务创建时分配它们,因此:

docker service create --secret=db_pass --name example nginx


docker exec example.1.m1c4bvubej64xc1csclnq7y3r cat /run/secrets/db_pass