如何在 UWP 中数据绑定到 RichEditBox 的纯文本值?

How can I databind to the plain-text value of a RichEditBox in UWP?

使用 UWP 中的普通 TextBox,您可以数据绑定到 Text 属性 并轻松从 ViewModel 获取或设置值。 RichEditBox doesn't have a data-bindable Text property though; instead you have to use the ITextDocument interfaceDocument 属性 公开并使用各种方法来获取和设置文本。

如何将纯文本数据绑定到我的 ViewModel 中的内容?

可以通过使用自定义 attached property data-bind RichEditBox 的 plain-text。这个附件属性处理文档的富文本和纯文本之间的转换。

这是一个示例 XAML 页面,code-behind,ViewModel 显示了附加 属性:




<Grid Background="{ThemeResource ApplicationPageBackgroundThemeBrush}">
  <StackPanel Margin="30">
    <RichEditBox local:RichEditBoxExtension.PlainText="{Binding PlainText,
      Mode=TwoWay}" x:Name="richedit"/>
    <Button Content="Bold selection" Click="MakeBold"/>
    <Button Content="Change plain text (view model)" Click="ChangeText"/>
    <Button Content="Change rich text (control property)" Click="ChangeRichText"/>
    <TextBlock Text="PlainText property is..." />
    <TextBlock Text="{Binding PlainText, Mode=OneWay}" />


这假设您使用的是默认值 MainPage.xaml.cs;适当更改构造函数名称

public MainPage()
  DataContext = model = new ViewModel();
  model.PlainText = "Hello, world";

private void ChangeText(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
  model.PlainText = "Here is some plain text";

private void ChangeRichText(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
  richedit.Document.SetText(TextSetOptions.None, "Here is some rich text");
  var selection = richedit.Document.Selection;
  selection.StartPosition = 8;
  selection.EndPosition = 12;
  selection.CharacterFormat.Underline = UnderlineType.Single;
  selection.MoveStart(TextRangeUnit.Word, 1);
  selection.CharacterFormat.Weight = FontWeights.Bold.Weight;

private void MakeBold(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
  richedit.Document.Selection.CharacterFormat.Weight = FontWeights.Bold.Weight;


没什么特别的;只是一个字符串 属性。您可以将它放在自己的文件中,或将其粘贴到主 code-behind 文件中。

public class ViewModel : INotifyPropertyChanged
  public event PropertyChangedEventHandler PropertyChanged;
  string plainText;
  public string PlainText
    get { return plainText; }
      plainText = value;

  void RaisePropertyChanged([CallerMemberName] string propertyName = "")
    PropertyChanged?.Invoke(this, new PropertyChangedEventArgs(propertyName));

到目前为止,没有什么特别的。 RichEditBox 使用附加的 属性 RichEditBoxExtension.PlainText 并将其绑定到 ViewModel 属性 PlainText。页面上还有另一个 TextBlock 用于显示 PlainText 属性 的当前值,以及一些用于操作文本的按钮。

RichEditBoxExtension.PlainText 的实现很漂亮 straight-forward,但由于 dependency-property 基础设施和需要避免无休止的 属性 更新,它需要相当多的代码(更改富文本会触发纯文本,而富文本会触发纯文本,富文本会触发纯文本,依此类推)。


这可以在自己的文件中,也可以再次粘贴到 code-behind 文件中。

public class RichEditBoxExtension
  // Standard attached property. It mimics the "Text" property of normal text boxes
  public static readonly DependencyProperty PlainTextProperty =
    DependencyProperty.RegisterAttached("PlainText", typeof(string),
    typeof(RichEditBoxExtension), new PropertyMetadata(null, OnPlainTextChanged));

  // Standard DP infrastructure
  public static string GetPlainText(DependencyObject o)
    return o.GetValue(PlainTextProperty) as string;

  // Standard DP infrastructure
  public static void SetPlainText(DependencyObject o, string s)
    o.SetValue(PlainTextProperty, s);

  private static void OnPlainTextChanged(DependencyObject o, 
    DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs e)
    var source = o as RichEditBox;
    if (o == null || e.NewValue == null)

    // This attaches an event handler for the TextChange event in the RichEditBox,
    // ensuring that we're made aware of any changes

    // To avoid endless property updates, we make sure we only change the RichText's 
    // Document if the PlainText was modified (vs. if PlainText is responding to 
    // Document being modified)
    var state = GetState(o);
    switch (state)
      case RichEditChangeState.Idle:
        var text = e.NewValue as string;
        SetState(o, RichEditChangeState.PlainTextChanged);
        source.Document.SetText(Windows.UI.Text.TextSetOptions.None, text);

      case RichEditChangeState.RichTextChanged:
        SetState(o, RichEditChangeState.Idle);

        Debug.Assert(false, "Unknown state");
        SetState(o, RichEditChangeState.Idle);

  #region Glue

  // Trivial state machine to determine who last changed the text properties
  enum RichEditChangeState

  // Helper class that just stores a state inside a textbox, determining
  // whether it is already being changed by code or not
  class RichEditChangeStateHelper
    public RichEditChangeState State { get; set; }

  // Private attached property (never seen in XAML or anywhere else) to attach
  // the state variable for us. Because this isn't used in XAML, we don't need
  // the normal GetXXX and SetXXX static methods.
  static readonly DependencyProperty RichEditChangeStateHelperProperty =
    typeof(RichEditChangeStateHelper), typeof(RichEditBoxExtension), null);

  // Inject our state into the textbox, and also attach an event-handler
  // for the TextChanged event.
  static void AttachRichEditBoxChangingHelper(DependencyObject o)
    if (o.GetValue(RichEditChangeStateHelperProperty) != null)

    var richEdit = o as RichEditBox;
    var helper = new RichEditChangeStateHelper();
    o.SetValue(RichEditChangeStateHelperProperty, helper);

    richEdit.TextChanged += (sender, args) =>
      // To avoid re-entrancy, make sure we're not already changing
      var state = GetState(o);
      switch (state)
        case RichEditChangeState.Idle:
          string text = null;
          richEdit.Document.GetText(Windows.UI.Text.TextGetOptions.None, out text);
          if (text != GetPlainText(o))
            SetState(o, RichEditChangeState.RichTextChanged);
            o.SetValue(PlainTextProperty, text);

        case RichEditChangeState.PlainTextChanged:
          SetState(o, RichEditChangeState.Idle);

          Debug.Assert(false, "Unknown state");
          SetState(o, RichEditChangeState.Idle);

  // Helper to set the state managed by the textbox
  static void SetState(DependencyObject o, RichEditChangeState state)
      as RichEditChangeStateHelper).State = state;

  // Helper to get the state managed by the textbox
  static RichEditChangeState GetState(DependencyObject o)
    return (o.GetValue(RichEditChangeStateHelperProperty) 
      as RichEditChangeStateHelper).State;

附件 属性 基本上做了两件事,但是围绕它有很多样板代码和状态机制:

  1. 当附加的 PlainText 属性 发生变化时,它会使用 source.Document.SetText(TextSetOptions.None, text)
  2. RichEditBox 更新为纯文本
  3. RichEditBox 文本更改(包括富文本更改)时,它会使用 richEdit.Document.GetText(TextGetOptions.None, out text) 更新附加的 属性,然后 o.SetValue(PlainTextProperty, text)

请注意,此基本方法可用于 data-bind 您要根据实际 data-bind 可用属性计算的其他 "derived" 属性。