StringBuilder#appendCodePoint(int) 行为异常

StringBuilder#appendCodePoint(int) behaves unexpectedly

java.lang.StringBuilder 的 appendCodePoint(...) 方法,对我来说,表现出乎意料的方式。

对于 Character.MAX_VALUE 以上的 unicode 代码点(需要 3 或 4 个字节以 UTF-8 编码,这是我的 Eclipse 工作区设置),它的行为很奇怪。

我将一个字符串的Unicode代码点一个一个地追加到一个StringBuilder中,但是最后它的输出看起来不一样了。 我怀疑在 AbstractStringBuilder#appendCodePoint(...) 中对 Character.toSurrogates(codePoint, value, count) 的调用会导致此问题,但我不知道如何解决它。


    // returns random string in range of unicode code points 0x2F800 to 0x2FA1F
    // e.g. 
    String s = getRandomChineseJapaneseKoreanStringCompatibilitySupplementOfMaxLength(length);

    StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
    for (int i = 0; i < getCodePointCount(s); i++) {
    // prints some of the CJK characters, but between them there is a '?'

    // e.g. ???????????????

    // returns random string in range of unicode code points 0x20000 to 0x2A6DF
    // e.g. 
    s = getRandomChineseJapaneseKoreanStringExtensionBOfMaxLength(length);
    // prints the CJK characters correctly

    sb = new StringBuilder();
    for (int i = 0; i < getCodePointCount(s); i++) {

    // prints some of the CJK characters, but between them there is a '?'
    // e.g. ???????????????


public static int getCodePointCount(String s) {
    return s.codePointCount(0, s.length());

public static String getRandomChineseJapaneseKoreanStringExtensionBOfMaxLength(int length) {
    return getRandomStringOfMaxLengthInRange(length, 0x20000, 0x2A6DF);

public static String getRandomChineseJapaneseKoreanStringCompatibilitySupplementOfMaxLength(int length) {
    return getRandomStringOfMaxLengthInRange(length, 0x2F800, 0x2FA1F);

private static String getRandomStringOfMaxLengthInRange(int length, int from, int to) {

    StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
    for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {

        // try to find a valid character MAX_TRIES times
        for (int j = 0; j < MAX_TRIES; j++) {

            int unicodeInt = from + random.nextInt(to - from);

            if (Character.isValidCodePoint(unicodeInt) &&
                    (Character.isLetter(unicodeInt) || Character.isDigit(unicodeInt) ||
                    Character.isWhitespace(unicodeInt))) {



    return  new String(sb.toString().getBytes(), "UTF-8");

您错误地迭代了代码点。您应该使用 Jonathan Feinberg here

final int length = s.length();
for (int offset = 0; offset < length; ) {
   final int codepoint = s.codePointAt(offset);

   // do something with the codepoint

   offset += Character.charCount(codepoint);

或自 Java 8

s.codePoints().forEach(/* do something */);

请注意 String#codePointAt(int)

的 Java文档

Returns the character (Unicode code point) at the specified index. The index refers to char values (Unicode code units) and ranges from 0 to length()- 1.

您正在从 0 迭代到 codePointCount。如果角色不是高低代理对,则单独返回。在这种情况下,您的索引应该只增加 1。否则,它应该增加 2(Character#charCount(int) 处理这个),因为您正在获得与该对对应的代码点。


for (int i = 0; i < getCodePointCount(s); i++) {


for (int i = 0; i < getCodePointCount(s); i = s.offsetByCodePoints(i, 1)) {

在 Java 中,字符是单个 UTF-16 值。补充代码点在一个字符串中占用两个字符。

但是您正在循环字符串中的每个字符。这意味着您正在阅读每个补充代码点两次:第一次,您正在阅读它的两个 UTF-16 代理字符;第二次,您正在读取和附加低代理项字符。

考虑一个仅包含一个代码点的字符串,0x2f8eb。表示该代码点的 Java 字符串实际上包含以下内容:



sb.appendCodePoint(0x2f8eb);    // codepoint found at index 0
sb.appendCodePoint(0xdceb);     // codepoint found at index 1