在 .NET Core 2 中注册基于范围的 HttpClient

Register scoped based HttpClient in .NET Core 2

我有 NET Core 2 Web API 应用程序。在此过程中,我必须调用客户端 A 的 API 来获取一些数据。所以我正在使用 HttpClient 来调用它。客户端 A 还要求我在 header.


因此,我没有直接注入 HttpClient,而是围绕 HttpClient 进行了包装,如下所示

public class ClientA : IClientA
    private readonly HttpClient _httpClient;

    public ClientA(HttpClient httpClient)
        _httpClient = httpClient;

    public async Task<string> GetData()
        return await _httpClient.HttpGetAsync("someurl");


  public class MyService :IMyService
      private readonly IClientA _clientA

      public MyService(IClientA clientA)
           _clientA= clientA

      public void DoSomethig()


    public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)
        services.AddScoped<IMyService, MyService>();           

        services.AddScoped(factory =>
            Func<Task<IClientA>> provider = async () =>
                using (var dbContext = factory.GetService<MyDBContext>())
                    // get userid and password from database here

                    var httpClient = new HttpClient();
                    return new ClientA(httpClient);

            return provider;


System.InvalidOperationException: Unable to resolve service for type 'System.Net.Http.HttpClient' while attempting to activate 'XXXXXXXXX.ClientA'. at Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ServiceLookup.CallSiteFactory.CreateArgumentCallSites(Type serviceType, Type implementationType, ISet1 callSiteChain, ParameterInfo[] parameters, Boolean throwIfCallSiteNotFound) at Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ServiceLookup.CallSiteFactory.CreateConstructorCallSite(Type serviceType, Type implementationType, ISet1 callSiteChain)


请注意,在注册过程中,我是 HttpClient 的 newing-up 实例并将其传递给 ClientA class,因为我必须设置用户 ID 和密码。

为了消除上述错误,我可以使用 DI 框架使用用户 ID 和密码注册 HttpClient,我想这会起作用。

但是,在这种情况下,如果有另一个客户端 ClientB 采用 HttpClient,那么 DI 框架将注入具有用户 ID 和密码的相同 httpclient。这会造成安全问题,因为 ClientB 会在请求 headers.

中看到 ClientA 的凭据
   public class ClientB(HttpClient client)
        private readonly _httpClient;
        public class ClientB(HttpClient client)
           _httpClient = client;

        public string CallClientB(string url)
            // here ClientB will receive ClientA's credentials
            return await _httpClient.HttpGetAsync(url);


   services.AddScoped<IClientA>(factory =>
            var dbContext = factory.GetService<MyDBContext>();                
                // get userid and password from database here

                var httpClient = new HttpClient();
                return new ClientA(httpClient);

您不希望在范围上下文中实例化 httpclient,即为每个请求创建一个 httpclient 实例,这不是 class 的推荐使用模式。 (不会很好地扩展)。 https://aspnetmonsters.com/2016/08/2016-08-27-httpclientwrong/

为每个客户创建一个单独接口的单例(假设客户数量很少)- 可能在其实现中有代码访问安全需求,具体取决于您的设置(启用身份模拟?)

这将 a) 很好地扩展 b) 每个客户每个应用程序仅 运行 一次 instance/startup 和 c) 对使用情况强制执行访问检查。

此外,此答案与您的 header 要求相关 - HttpClient single instance with different authentication headers