如何使用 Stack Exchange Data Explorer 查找每个用户的热门标签?

How to use the Stack Exchange Data Explorer to find every user's top tags?

我在 the Stack Exchange Data Explorer 中使用此查询:

select id, reputation
from users
where reputation >300000

我应该向此查询添加什么,以便有一个带有用户 "best" 标记的附加列?

例如,在我的用户页面中,在顶部标签中,我可以看到 .

这是使用 Common Table Expressions (CTE's) and Correlated Subqueries 的一种方法。

在 SEDE 中查看:data.stackexchange.com/Whosebug/query/815284/...

WITH tagAndUserStats AS (
                p.owneruserid       AS userid,
                SUM (p.score)       AS tagScore,
                COUNT (p.id)        AS postCount
    FROM        posts       p
    INNER JOIN  posttags    pt      ON pt.postid = COALESCE (p.parentid, p.id)
    INNER JOIN  tags        t       ON pt.tagid = t.id
    WHERE       p.owneruserid >= 1
    AND         p.posttypeid IN (1, 2)
    GROUP BY    t.tagname,
            u.id as [User Link],
            (   SELECT TOP 1    tu.tagname
                FROM            tagAndUserStats tu
                WHERE           tu.userid = u.id
                ORDER BY        tu.tagScore DESC
            ) AS [Top Tag by Score],
            (   SELECT TOP 1    tu.tagname
                FROM            tagAndUserStats tu
                WHERE           tu.userid = u.id
                ORDER BY        tu.postCount DESC
            ) AS [Top Tag by Posts]
FROM        users u
WHERE       u.reputation > 300000
ORDER BY    u.reputation DESC

returns 结果如下:

User Link       Reputation   Top Tag by Score   Top Tag by Posts
Jon Skeet         1010838            c#                 c#
BalusC             784437          java                jsf
Darin Dimitrov     783553            c#                 c#
VonC               753855           git                git


  1. 引用the SEDE schema.
  2. 因为您同时指定了问题和答案,并且没有排除 community wiki 帖子,所以此查询的结果有时会偏离习惯值。
    对于徽章和诸如此类的东西,question-posts 和 question-scores 不算数,只有答案才算。