
How can I find the area above the curve

我有一个关于求矩形S2(曲线上方)面积的问题。我想找到像 (S - S2)/(S2) 这样的 S1/S2,其中 S = S1 + S2.

我有 2 vectorsdouble (x;y),我可以找到 S1 + S2:

S = (x.back() - x[0])*(y.back() - y[0]))


z = (x.back() - x[0])*(y[0] - 0) , S2 = S2 - z

我的问题是:如果我没有函数,但是有(x;y),如何使用数值积分。例如,在 matlab 中它看起来像这样 feval:

% Total area under the curve
ft = fittype('smoothingspline');
cf = fit(x,y,ft);
F = @(x) feval(cf,x);
S2 = quad(F,x(1),x(end));

在 C++ 中我有:

#include "Functions.h"
std::vector<double>AreaRatio(std::vector<double>&x, std::vector<double>&y) {

double S(0.0), z(0.0), S2(0.), R(0.0);

S = (x.back() - x[0])*(y.back() - y[0]);
z = (x.back()*x[0])*(y[0]-0);
S2 = /.../ 
// Numerical methods (any library) to find the area under the curve, 
// but I don't know how to transfer function into function of Numerical integration, 
// because I have only coordinates. 
R = (S - S2) / S2;
return R;



    for(loop over data)
        area += (data[1] + data[0]) * time/distance between data[1] and data[0]

从 y_end * (x_end - x1)


您会使用数值积分来为您提供数据值 - 但购买它的外观是通过测量它们或做其他事情来生成它们。