加载数据项失败:{ "message": "The provided key element does not match the schema", "code":

failed to load data item: { "message": "The provided key element does not match the schema", "code":

我正在尝试创建一种技能来从我的 dynamoDB table 中提取数据并通过 alexa 将其反馈给我。

我希望能够向 Alexa 询问某个日期并回忆起该日期的信息。


failed to load data item: { "message": "The provided key element does not match the schema", "code": 


var AWSregion = 'us-east-1';  // us-east-1
var AWS = require('aws-sdk');
var dbClient = new AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient();
    region: "'us-east-1'"

let handleCinemaIntent = (context, callback) => {    
  let params = {
    TableName: "cinema",
    Key: {
        date: "20180102",
        message: "Inception",
        time: "14:00"
  dbClient.get(params, function (err, data) {
    if (err) {
       // failed to read from table for some reason..
       console.log('failed to load data item:\n' + JSON.stringify(err, null, 2));
       // let skill tell the user that it couldn't find the data 
       sendResponse(context, callback, {
          output: "the data could not be loaded from your database",
          endSession: true
    } else {
       console.log('loaded data item:\n' + JSON.stringify(data.Item, null, 2));
       // assuming the item has an attribute called "message"..
       sendResponse(context, callback, {
          output: data.Item.message,
          endSession: true

function sendResponse(context, callback, responseOptions) {
  if(typeof callback === 'undefined') {
  } else {
    callback(null, buildResponse(responseOptions));

function buildResponse(options) {
  var alexaResponse = {
    version: "1.0",
    response: {
      outputSpeech: {
        "type": "SSML",
        "ssml": `<speak><prosody rate="slow">${options.output}</prosody></speak>`
      shouldEndSession: options.endSession
  if (options.repromptText) {
    alexaResponse.response.reprompt = {
      outputSpeech: {
        "type": "SSML",
        "ssml": `<speak><prosody rate="slow">${options.reprompt}</prosody></speak>`
  return alexaResponse;

exports.handler = (event, context, callback) => {
  try {
    var request = event.request;
    if (request.type === "LaunchRequest") {
      sendResponse(context, callback, {
        output: "welcome to my skill. what do you want to find?",
        endSession: false
    else if (request.type === "IntentRequest") {
      let options = {};         
      if (request.intent.name === "cinema") {
        handleCinemaIntent(context, callback);
      } else if (request.intent.name === "AMAZON.StopIntent" || request.intent.name === "AMAZON.CancelIntent") {
        sendResponse(context, callback, {
          output: "ok. good bye!",
          endSession: true
      else if (request.intent.name === "AMAZON.HelpIntent") {
        sendResponse(context, callback, {
          output: "you can ask me about films",
          reprompt: "what can I help you with?",
          endSession: false
      else {
        sendResponse(context, callback, {
          output: "I don't know that one! Good bye!",
          endSession: true
    else if (request.type === "SessionEndedRequest") {
      sendResponse(context, callback, ""); // no response needed
    else {
      // un unexpected request type received.. just say I don't know..
      sendResponse(context, callback, {
          output: "I don't know that one! Good bye!",
          endSession: true
  } catch (e) {
    // handle the error by logging it and sending back an failure
    console.log('Unexpected error occurred in the skill handler!', e);
    if(typeof callback === 'undefined') {
       context.fail("Unexpected error");
    } else {
       callback("Unexpected error");

如果有帮助,我的 table 在 dyanamodb 中有列 日期 |留言 |时间



DynamoDB table 不能有 3 个属性的主键(如您的代码所建议的;日期、消息和时间)。它可以将分区键或分区键 + 排序键作为其主键。